[Officiel Mythic] Time For the Grab Bag

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Q: In Matt Firor’s post, he mentioned a free level in a seven day period as a reward for leveling. I don’t entirely understand the concept.

A: Neither did I, so don’t feel bad. Here’s how it is currently designed to work – but as you read, be aware that this is just a design. It might end up changing, or it might work differently.

When you level up, the game will look and see if you have already leveled within the last seven days. If you did not, and this is your first level in a seven day period, you’ll automatically get a free level. That’s all there is to it.

1_2_3_4_5_6_7DING! = +1 level, for a total of two levels.

1_2_3DING_4_5_6_7DING! = No bonus level, for a total of one each time.

You do NOT get a free level for each level you get in a seven day period, so don’t think that powerleveling through twenty levels in a week means a total of forty levels in one week.

Also, you don’t need to earn ALL the experience of one level in any particular seven day period. Let’s say you’re a slow leveling goober who dies a lot. Me, for example. I’ve been what feels like two bubbles from my next level for three weeks now. If I finally manage to level up, under this new system, I’d get my free level, even though I only got two bubbles during the specific week. The system won’t look for when the experience was earned – it’ll just see the ding, check the past seven days, and award me the free level if it sees no ding in that period. Ta da!

Benefits – at the low levels, when a level every day or every two days is possible, the ones who cannot log in as often will not lag so far behind their “every night” friends (though very little on this earth can prevent some delay). And at the high levels, when no one can complete a level in a week without special help or a particular sort of guild, more casual players will also receive a boost.

Again, this is just the design, gang. Don’t assume that’s how it will work until you try it for yourself on Pendragon.

Q: Why are you still patching 1.70?

A: It’s not so much patching 1.70 as it is our numbering sequence. Once we lock down 1.70, there will be no more live updates until 1.71… which is weeks away. So we’re making changes that we can’t or shouldn’t leave until then, and calling them part of 1.70, even though 1.70 is over and launched.

If I understood it, I’d be a software engineer.

Q: From the July 21, 2004 notes: "Oceanus Encounters - The Night Terrors' spawn frequency has been adjusted."

Are we to be told in which way the spawn has been adjusted? Rather ambiguous statement

A: We adjusted it to have a higher chance of spawning more often. See last week’s boring explanation of odds and chances. Good catch

Q: (Insert colorful feedback about lag in TOA)

A: Let me assure you that we’re aware of the issues, and we’re trying to fix them. I am awfully sorry we haven’t fixed it yet, and that our previous efforts have only had a temporary effect. There is no global solution, because not all servers and realms are affected. When you submit feedback, I would really appreciate it if you could list your realm and server. It would help speed up the collection of this data if you’d spell it out like that.

Also, please be aware that living, breathing people do read each and every feedback form. They are not going into some giant, computerized black hole. The only thing we delete are duplicate feedback forms!

Q: Do you actually expect people to change servers after they’ve established homes?

A: No, not entirely. There are SOME people - not many but a definite, measurable population – who enjoy the “underdog” experience. We want to provide that group with incentives. But that’s not at all the whole story.

The challenge with every underdog program is that the incentives have to benefit those who make their home on that server. As you all know (and as we said), the /level 30 program didn’t work because people just don’t want to leave their home servers unless they feel they have no choice.

Our hope is that the new incentives will a) provide incentive to the underdog lovers, b) benefit the people who already “live” on a server, and c) provide benefits to new players that established residents invite to play.

Q: There’s a badger that makes a mushroom joke in the game – is that on purpose?

A: You’ve found one of a number of our Easter Eggs – little, funny things developers stick in their code because, well, because they can, really. Just about every software product in the world has a few dozens of these.

Q: I have a question regarding damage shields. I know that most of the aggro generated by the DS goes to the pet, but does the damage actually count as coming from the caster or the pet? So if you were to kill something with focus damage shield, would the kill be credited to the pet or the caster?

A: This is one of those questions everyone has a different opinion on, so I tossed it to our Codemaster to look up, and settle the question once and for all. He says: ”Assuming I understand his question...

Technically, the damage is registered as coming from the critter with the damage shield on, in this case the pet. For the purposes of agro and kill credit, however, the division of responsibility is done such that a portion of the damage (based on the type of pet) is reflected back as if coming from the caster of the pet. So, when the monster dies, the pet’s owner gets credit for it, even if he was just sitting there. The caster of the damage shield is completely “innocent,” assuming it's not the owner of the pet.”

As always, please let me know if perhaps I’ve misunderstood the question.

Q: We used to be able to check the status of the BGs on the Herald. Is this feature gone for good?

A: Nope. As soon as our noble Herald programmer gets a chance, it will be returned.

Q: I have a question. I copied DAOC to a new faster coumputer to load TOA and when I loaded TOA my RP filter word list got deleted. I had a big RP filter list (mostly to block profanity) and I am wondering is there any file I can copy from my old computer (which has the pre TOA files) that will give my back my old RP filter list?

A: There is, actually. From our resident patch goddess, formerly testing goddess: ”It's in their .ign file.

“If they look in their Camelot directory on the old computer, they should see a file that looks like this: Charactername-ServerID.ign

“Example: Bob-135.ign

“Cool stuff: You can open the file with notepad to view the contents - the top part contains your ignore list, the next part is your rpfilter text and the replacement text. (You don't have to do this part, this is just for geeks who wanna look inside the file).

“To transfer the settings over, the player would need to copy the file over to the new computer's game directory.”

Hope that helps you reinstallers! Please note – be really careful when you muck around in the files. Deleting or overwriting the wrong file can have all kinds of crazy consequences, such as causing you to crash, or preventing you from accessing the game at all.


Astute Herald readers will note a new category on the feedback form – TOA/ML feedback. If your issue specifically relates to those issues, please be sure to use that category.

Many people seem to use the “positive feedback” form or the “negative feedback” form as a general catchall. You shouldn’t unless you truly have no better category to assign. We don’t check those as often as we check the others. While we certainly appreciate the more sweeping comments and essays, we have to set priorities to manage the enormous volume - and we have more specific bugs and issues as top priorities. If you’ve got a more pressing need past a general comment or two, be sure you choose the best possible category for your feedback.

We’ve put up the first draft of our Roundtable weblink – http://roundtable.darkageofcamelot.com! Keep your eyes on that link for more information about laying your eyes on the man behind the elf, the woman behind the troll, and the faces behind the text.

Hey, speaking of the Roundtable – are you interested in having an in game movie of yours presented to hundreds of cheering fans at the big party? Start filming! By the way, if you use original music, or music from the game, we may be able to host the results here on the Herald, and maybe even include them on a game CD someday. (We love the movies with popular music, but anything that is copyrighted by another artist can’t be posted on our site or on our CDs without permission and royalty fees.)

Also, if you’re interested in perhaps selling your wares at the Roundtable, please fill out a form found on the Roundtable site, and let us know.

It’s slushy time, everybody. See you Monday.

Traduction :

- Dans l'annonce de Matt Firor est fait référence à un niveau gratuit tous les sept jours, voici les détails du fonctionnement théorique (les détails peuvent encore changer) :

Lors d'un changement de niveau, le jeu vérifiera s'il y a déjà un autre gain de niveau dans la période des sept derniers jours. Si ce n'est pas le cas, et qu'il s'agit de l'unique changement de niveau de la semaine, un second niveau sera automatiquement gagné.

1_2_3_4_5_6_7DING! = Un niveau gratuit.
1_2_3DING_4_5_6_7DING! = Pas de niveau gratuit.

Il n'est pas nécessaire d'accomplir l'ensemble de la progression en expérience nécessaire au changement de niveau dans la même semaine pour bénéficier du cadeau : vous pouvez étaler votre progression sur un mois, par exemple, seul le changement de niveau est pris en compte.

- Si Mythic continue de modifier la 1.70, sortie sur les serveurs commerciaux il y a un mois, au lieu d'inclure les modifications dans la 1.71, c'est parce qu'une version 1.71 resterait plusieurs semaines en test, le temps d'être suffisamment importante pour être mise en place. Or les modifications de la 1.70 sont des modifications nécessitant d'être mises en place au plus vite.

- Mythic est au courant des problèmes de lag sur les zones atlantes, et tente de les résoudre, même si leurs précédents efforts n'ont eu que des effets temporaires.

- Mythic est conscient que seule une minorité de joueurs aiment à se battre en sous-nombre, et que eux seuls sans doute changeront de serveur pour profiter des nouvelles mesures. Celles-ci ne leur sont donc pas que dédiées. Le but des nouvelles mesures, contrairement à la commande /level 30, qui a été un échec, est non seulement de donner des avantages à ceux décidant d'aller défendre un royaume sous-peuplé, mais surtout d'aider ceux qui sont déjà établis sur ce royaume et d'inciter les nouveaux joueurs à le rejoindre.

- Il y a en jeu un blaireau faisant une blague à propos d'un champignon. C'est normal, c'est un easter egg, une tradition des jeux vidéos désignant une surprise cachée, amusante et étonnante, cachée la par les développeurs. [NdT : de la même manière, il est possible sur Albion d'améliorer dans certaines conditions sa faction avec "The knights whose say "Ni!""]

- Les blessures venant d'un bouclier de renvoi des dégâts placé sur un familier sont considérées comme infligées par le familier, et non par le lanceur du bouclier de renvoi des dégâts. Puis une partie de l'agressivité générée par ces blessures, dépendante du type du familier, est renvoyée vers le propriétaire du familier.

- La configuration du filtre /rpfilter (commande permettant de remplacer, à la lecture, un terme par un autre plus agréable) se trouve dans votre dossier DAoC, sous la forme Nomdupersonnage-Numéroduserveur.ign (Par exemple, Nof-235.ign)
Ce fichier peut être édité comme un fichier texte, afin d'être modifié plus facilement.
Enfin, si vous changez d'ordinateur ou le formatez, pensez à transférer ce fichier pour ne pas avoir à refaire toute la configuration de ce filtre.

- Mythic a mis en place une nouvelle catégorie pour les commentaires, destinée à l'extension Trials of Atlantis et aux Secrets des Anciens, les nouvelles quêtes qu'elle a introduit.
En outre, Sanya rappelle qu'il vaut mieux éviter d'utiliser les rubriques positive feedback et negative feedback si vos commentaires peuvent être intégrés à une autre rubrique plus précise.

- Une rencontre IRL va être organisée par Mythic à Las Vegas ces 24 et 25 septembre, proposant des quêtes grandeur nature inspirées du jeu, des repas, des possibilités de discussion entre joueurs et avec les artistes et programmeurs du jeu, une présentation de Catacombes, la prochaine extension payante, un maillot de corps exclusif, un concours de déguisement et de vidéos, etc.
Vous pouvez retrouver le site de l'événement ici.

- A propos de vidéos, vous pouvez tout à fait envoyer les votres afin qu'elles figurent sur le Herald, voir sur de futurs cédéroms du jeu, à condition qu'elles utilisent des musiques originales ou du jeu. Les musiques dont les droits appartiennent à un autre artiste peuvent être très sympathiques, mais Mythic ne peut les exploiter sans la permission et un dédommagement de l'auteur.
Apres la commande /level j'etais sur qu'ils passeraient a cette methode (ou une equivalente). Enfin bon.. si ca peux avantager les joueurs qui n'ont pas la possibilitée de faire des persos 50 en trois pull, c'est toujours bon a prendre. Cela reste encore léger comme systeme (mais ils ont ouvert une porte ).

Qu'ils donnent carrément un perso 50 au choix par rapport aux nombres de mois abonné chez eux ( 1 perso gratis tous les 12mois d'abo for exemple). (c'est surtout moi qui n'attends que ca.. pas le temps de monter un autre perso pour NF).

Sinon j'en retiens pas plus de cette note d'info.

Ha si, merci Nof pour la traduction (liens, notes).

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