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Un nouveau retard pour le livre 7

Alors que Codemasters avait officiellement annoncé la sortie du livre 7 au 26 mars, la première mise à jour gratuite des Mines de la Moria est désormais reculée au 2 avril 2009.

Un nouveau retard est donc officiellement annoncé par la voix de Satine sur les forums officiels européens du Seigneur des Anneaux Online.

De sérieux problèmes ont été rencontrés lors de l'encodage du texte, avec l'apparition de symbole aléatoire et du blabla incompréhensible en jeu...bref, le patch n'est pas prêt pour jeudi prochain !

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience this week whilst we wait for Book 7. As mentioned in another thread earlier, our QA team found some pretty serious errors that needed addressing.

We have since reviewed these errors and we require another test build made for us before we can continue with the process towards getting it updated to our live servers.

The error found was one to do with text encoding. Basically, the in-game text was incorrectly encoded which meant that a large chunk of the game's text displayed as random symbols and incomprehensible "garbage".

Furthermore, as you may be aware, Turbine are today adding a patch to their live servers which fixes some pretty nasty bugs, so we are going to wait to have this patch added to our new build too, which is due in later this week, (TBC).

Currently, our new target date for Book 7 is Thursday, April 2nd. We will of course keep you updated on the way with any developments.

Thanks once again for being so patient with this, we hope you have been enjoying all the various events and festivities around the world in the meantime.

Le livre 7 est sorti le 17 mars sur les serveurs américains, les européens auront donc, si la date ne change pas une nouvelle fois, 17 jours de retard...

On peut néanmoins se consoler en se disant que nous n'aurons vraisemblablement pas à subir les traditionnels bugs post mise à jour, puisque celle qui sera appliquée le 2 avril devrait inclure le patch 1 du livre 7.

The following release notes cover what is included in Volume 2 Book 7 Patch 1

  • Characters who logged into Book 7 with 0 or 1 maximum morale and no skills have been fixed.
  • A server stability Issue has been addressed.

New Player Experience
  • The ending instances for the new player experience in Archet and Ered Luin are now solo-only. This is in line with the intent for these instances and more importantly addresses an issue where players in a fellowship could sometimes be left in a bad state after the instance was completed.
  • We've addressed an issue where the quests in Volume2, Book 7, Chapter 3 and Chapter 8 instances would not advance for some players.
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