Questions/réponses avec les Rats

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Pas de Leo prévu, dommage, je pari qu'ils donneront aux Fr des B17 en lend lease.

De toute façon vu que les set 41/42 comment a s'étoffer ils ont quasiment de quoi se débarrasser purement et simplement des Fr hors pédiode mai/juin 40 ce qui serait pas un mal
Comptez pas sur moi pour la traduction

Q:Ammodog> Whats the chances of getting a instant combat button for inf that gets mission points? for base def.

A:CRS_MO> We actually have a dev plan for something LIKE that, but we are trying to see how it fits. It may seem strange but a feature like that that is so different from our current technoliogy and gameplay paradigm (LOL) can be a pretty serious cultural obsticle. But we DO have a design. We were thingking about "free riflemen" but then a mob showed up burning pictures of was bad.

Q:yokilla> As I understand it, we need server tracked objects (like nades) before we get indirect fire weapons (like artillery). Will we have server tracked objects prior to the new theater? How low on the list are they? What sorts of artillery are you planning to add?

A:CRS_MO> * CRS_MO slaps Gophur around a bit with a large trout
A:Gophur> Well, if we can get teh host issues licked I think STOs are a great place to spend some time...I'm not convinced that arty or nades are the best first implementation.. but that is a really great technology for a lot of things. I'd think they will happen in the terms of hulks...or (secret says mo) but they are more than likely before a new theater. to actually answer the question =]

Q:Loon3y> Any word on a timeframe for new infantry features such as loadouts/new weapons?

A:CRS_MO> Loadouts will be global so when they hit they will be for vehicles and aircraft too... new troop weapons will be zookas and fausts next...again "soon"

Q:Strukt> How much flak do you recieve from Krieger about the ole Red River Game?

A:Gophur> TDon't know if anyone has met CODEC yet but he's from CCTT and I think he'll make the infantry game sweet.
A:BADGER-CRS> Krieger is locked in his office, we do not talk with him so it would be hard to say :-)

Q:CycloneX> Can we bring back a limited, basic list of equipment (the old non-mission list) that can be spawned at any city? This would be very helpful for harbor cities, and spawning fairms. And helpful to regular players seeking to check status of cities/FBs with reported enemy but no missions.

A:Gophur> Let em take that one...The issue isnt so much the spawn list, though making non-global spawns is a goal.. The issue is making default misions in the game world. This is at first a bit contrary to the idea of manuver warfare, which is about being one place and not another. I was talking about garrison level foprces with Oli today. I think this is somwehting that we will do, it is even in the Deployment Primer, and I don't see it changing from that much.

Q: Latham1: 01I have to log gents.. I know this is out of line but just to let you know as the CO for the 12th armee paras myself included as well as all the other kg officers can not post missions to get ju's up. We are requesting that rank is given in luft as well as .axis command to myself so we can work effectively. Goodnight and sorry for the interuption!

A:Gophur> Objectives across branches is something that we are def in on. The "support" obj for a brigade allows members of another branch to have an obj. For missions I mean. This is pretty central to the concept of brigades being at aplace on the map. Next to move and attack (already in in basic form) , support is on the list.

Q:VZaitsev> With all these berms and foliage on the map, it looks like there should be farms everywhere, but there isn't. Is there any plan to add farmlike buildings in the future for between each town? And do you plan on creating more landmark structures for WWIIOL?

A:CRS_MO> Adding farms is a cool idea, and we want to bring a lot more POI (points of Interest) to no man's land...but...our terrain editing tool is 6 years old and has not been updated in 4. The effort it would take to add simple stuff like that is just not cost effective with this we'll need to wait until we have a new terrain editor (everyone go buy a box please) and then we can re-do the theater with a resolution that is .... about 10 times higher

Q:FalconBK> What has the point of the mercedes in the training server? Will it ever make it to the real server? Like when the germans capture Paris

A:Hatch> Can tell Im gonna have to make sure that has a pretty small gas tank already..
A:CRS_MO> The Mercedes is a pet of mine. Simple as that. it's a technology test and a proof of concept for "somthing else" and it doubles as a pleasent distraction because it has nothing .... to race against and be nerfed in regards to :P

Q:Snoop> Why is it the number of rats that have said my infantry training movies rock have declined from movie to movie? In the frist one I had like 12 or 15 rats say "you rock Snoop" and in my last one there were only like 5 or 6. Granted I hit my peak at Training Guide for the Infantry Guy, but this makes me depressed and encourages my already out of control homicidal tendencies. Don't you see that I'm clearly insane? And what steps are being

A:CRS_MO> Snoop. You are a strange man, with a bavarian hairdo and a fat lip. Your camel has no toes and your feet smell of almonds.

Q:yokilla> why would you go for hulks before artillery? artillery is the only major component we are missing from this game.

A:CRS_MO> Arty will be great fun for the trigger puller...and only him. We'll probably add it someday but you can hide behind hulks. One is invisible death the other is a chance to play longer. No brains required there IMHO.
A:Gophur> Yeah and hulks are EASY! Just kidding. I'm with MO all they way. Arty is an awesome tool and done right its a force trio be reckoned with.
Q:VZaitsev> U beg to differ to you, look at BF2
A:CRS_MO> BF2? that were we are going?
A:Gophur> Done wrong it can be a little out of wack in a pvp environ. We want to get it right the first time, which takes some planning. Soon.

Q:ddevil> With the release of BE, what would happen if it were such a success that the map became over populated at times? I don't mean in terms of the availability of equipement but rather in terms of the visible player limit becoming a problem again and spawns being over crowded in general.

A:CRS_MO> You would all be very happy. Success is the only thing we've never had, and believe me we have plans to use it if it comes...Server loads have been calculated...this is a business. We are looking at the projected sales and scaling our infrastructure. Success will not be a bad thing. yes, (the game is a success)but only as a game, not as a business ...yet

Q:swiftwin> About bailouts: When should we expect it? Is it on a short list for post-BE? Or will we have to wait longer for other features like STO before getting bailouts? Also, for aircraft bailouts: At first, will it be a simple "bailout=rescue" like other flight sims? Or will we become a controlable pilot with a pistol upon landing?

A:CRS_MO> Controlable, hit the ground with a gun. Need STOs
A:Gophur> Yeah, thats really the only way to do it right.

Q:swiftwin> will we see a simplified version before STOs?

A:CRS_MO> to swift: you have simplified bail out now. (despawn timer) next is full monty after STO

Q:Fortius> Can we get the cost of AOs tied to the number of ABs in a town, so that HC will have to think twice before they spend 4 AOs on a 4 AB town, in essence the more ABs the more serious the HC must be about attacking that town before they place AO on it.

A:Gophur> That's kinda interesting. I usually think more in terms of links and ABs as a counter balance under global spawning. I'll take a look at that. Thanks.

Q::Crass63> Do you plan on releasing the LeO 451 or any other French aircraft with the Ju-88 and wellington? if not, are you planning to release a French wellington? are there plans for replacement of the French blen soon?? Will heavy bombers be implemented after STO's? NO VAGUENESS OR MISDIRECTION ALLOWED :P

A:CRS_MO> We have a few different vehicle plans to do, one of them has new bombers. None of them have the Leo...yet. That does not mean it won't get done. We may need to do .... US gear and if that is the case all vehicle resources go to that for 6 months.
Citation :
Publié par Messer
Thanks !

Pas besoin de traduire merci
Tout le monde n'est pas anglophone Messer.
Par ailleur les outils de traductions sont plutot pourri pour traduire ce genre de texte.
Citation :
Publié par burgdunum
Tout le monde n'est pas anglophone Messer.
Patienter un petit peu et laissé le temps à nos chers rédacteur de nous faire une jolie news traduite.
Citation :
Publié par NNPsyco
Pas de Leo prévu, dommage, je pari qu'ils donneront aux Fr des B17 en lend lease.

De toute façon vu que les set 41/42 comment a s'étoffer ils ont quasiment de quoi se débarrasser purement et simplement des Fr hors pédiode mai/juin 40 ce qui serait pas un mal
Les aéroports sont trop petits pour les B17 et autres quadriréacteurs.

Eventuellement, ils pourraient modéliser des B25 ou B26 mais ca ferait un peu concurrence avec le DB-7, alors que c'est un level stratégique dont la france a besoin.

S'il nous file le wellington... HAAAAAAAAA.....
En plus il est nul.

C'est ce qui remplace le "ballistics server" en effet. Les Rats pensent que, finalement, ils n'auront pas besoin d'un serveur séparé, donc maintenant ils parlent "d'objets gérés sur le serveur" (ou bien "objets pilotés par le serveur"? "objets suivis par le serveur"? 'tain, heureusement que je suis pas traducteur moi).
J'ai fait une traduc à l'arraché de la première partie. Je m'en excuse, mais j'ai pas le temps de faire mieux. J'ai coupé à la hache aussi...s'il manque quelque chose qui vous intéresse, on fera la traduc en live.

La traduction
Citation :
Publié par MrJules
J'ai fait une traduc à l'arraché de la première partie. Je m'en excuse, mais j'ai pas le temps de faire mieux. J'ai coupé à la hache aussi...s'il manque quelque chose qui vous intéresse, on fera la traduc en live.

La traduction
Super Mr Jules, Merci pour la traduction
Citation :
Publié par Baluchon Chonchon
Ben pas tous en tous cas.
En 1940, il y avait si je me souviens bien en tout et pour tout 4 pistes en dur en France:

Le Bourget
(et une autre chais plus où en région parisienne)

TOUS les terrains français actuellement modélisés dans le jeu étaient en 1940 de simples champs en herbe folle avec au mieux un hangar et deux baraques dans un coin.

Citation :
Un peu de diversité ne ferait pas de mal.
Certes, ça fait un peu copié-collé.
J'avoue LINDIR que le chose qui m'énerve le plus à WWIIOL, plus que les CTD, plus que le fait que WWIIOL utilise 99% de mon processeur et que celui chauffe, plus que le lag qui fait que je me fasse tuer dans un CP par un homme invisible, plus que le voile marron dans le collimateur de mon stuart, plus que tous ces petits défauts c'est DE NE PAS AVOIR LE C47 !!!!!!!!!!

Voler dans ce Junker m'est insupportable !!!!!!!!

LINDIR s'il te plait, je te ferais des bisous : demande leur d'activé sur le C47 (la version russe avec un mitrailleur arrière )
Merci d'avance
C'est pas pour jouer les Cassandre mais je prévois des gros rouspétages sur les forums quand les Alliés auront le C-47. Les alliés pourront convoyer des paras deux fois plus vite que les axis... avec un avion qu'ils n'avaient pas avant fin 1942

Citation :
Publié par Messer
Tsss il est très bien ce Ju52 :P
En plus ses capacités d'atterrissages et de décollage... Woaw !
Oui c'est une très belle réalisation aéronautique (on en à même utilisé en France jusque dans les années 50).
Mais il est axis cet avion... c'est comme si on devait utiliser un 4G en blindé... quoi que ?!

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