[Officiel] - Contenu des prochains patchs

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Du calme pour les Battlegrounds c'est pour cette année mais peut-être Noël 2005

Citation :
On the Horizon

We plan on implementing these features over the next year.

* Player vs. Player Battlegrounds -- Siege Weapons
* Hero classes
* High Level Raid Dungeons/Content
Citation :
Publié par Red-Haired Mary
Du calme pour les Battlegrounds c'est pour cette année mais peut-être Noël 2005

la citation ne concerne que l'implantation des engins de sièges pour battleground
qui sera faite aprés les Battlegrounds en eux même.
- Système d'honneur pour le PvP : les joueurs auront accès à de nouveaux sets d'armures et d'armes lorsqu'ils augmenteront leur rang dans le système d'honneur du PvP.

aussi valabe hors battleground pour les server pvp ?? ;o
Citation :
Publié par Red-Haired Mary
Du calme pour les Battlegrounds c'est pour cette année mais peut-être Noël 2005
Non les batllegrounds sont prévu pour le prochain push (gros patch) aux US. D'apèrs ce qui est dit, première quinzaine de janvier.
Perso, parfait, je serai pas loin du lvl49, niveau limite du premier batlleground à Alterac Mountains.
Citation :
Publié par Illandas
Je me dis qu'on nous force un peu à être honorable

Malheureusement pour limité le pk, il vaudrait mieux empecher les gens d'etre déshonoré
Citation :
Player Versus Player Rewards

The thrill and challenge of fighting other players are usually reward
enough for the first few battles, but there are significant incentives
to make continued PvP battles worthwhile.


As you kill opposing players and special PvP-enabling non-player
characters, you will earn honor points. You also gain honor points
for conquering contested battlegrounds and slaying important
NPCs such as leaders and generals of the opposing faction. At the
end of each day, these honor points will be distributed to all players
who participated in PvP gameplay, with players contributing the
most kills for their side earning the most points. These honor
points accumulate to give you a PvP rank, which can fluctuate
based on your participation and success in PvP play.


Even among enemies as bitter as the Horde and Alliance, there is
honor. If you flaunt this honor and engage in objectionable PvP
play, such as killing new players vastly inferior to you in level, or
killing essential non-combat NPCs such as flight masters or quest
givers, you will earn dishonor. If you accumulate enough dishonor
through your criminal actions, you will be branded an outlaw. As
a consequence, you'll suffer experience penalties, lose access to
your own faction cities, and become so hated by even your own
kind that every faction NPC will attack you on sight.


World of Warcraft is forgiving of transgressions, and if you refrain
from dishonorable actions for a long enough time, you will eventually
return to favor with your faction and cast off your criminal label.


In addition to an honor score, your PvP successes will also enable
you to acquire a high rank and title, earn special reward items,
and gain access to special buildings and merchants. You'll also
gain the favor of your faction's leadership, and earn other rewards
that are unavailable to players who refrain from PvP play.
The honor system and PvP rewards exist on both normal and PvP
servers, but the incentives for player versus player gameplay on
the PvP servers are higher due to the very nature of the server.
More details on the risks, rewards, and consequences of player
versus player gameplay are available at the World of Warcraft
strategy site at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com.
sauf que depuis un patch récent on ne prend plus de deshonneur à tuer un joueur trop bas level, car il existait trop de moyens d'exploiter un tel systeme ...
Citation :
Publié par neya | illina
j espere que les set d arme et armure donneés par le pvp auront un skin particulier
histoire de rush tous le meme des qu on croise un vieux du pvp
Il n'y avait pas justement des screens d'armures d'exemple qu'oon pouvait gagner lors des Battlerounds , si quelqu un a le lien des images .

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