[Officiel Mythic] Grab Bag Fever!

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Here we go!

Q: If you use the new level system to go from level 41 to 42 (for example) do you still get your mini ding points that you would have gotten at 41.5?

A: Yes. By the way, sometimes you have to click the trainer twice to get the mini-ding points.

Q: I accepted my free level’s worth of experience from my trainer, without realizing that it would take me out of the battleground I’ve been enjoying. Can I undo that?

A: No – once you’ve leveled, you’ve leveled, and it cannot be removed. (On a related side note, I have definitely passed on the feedback requesting an opt-out button for the free experience feature.)

Q: I'm trying to find the Arawnite Assassin for step 10 of my Rebellion Accepted quest. I've searched all over Snowdonia Fortress for him, and when he finally spawned, the guards killed him. My Cabalist friend has had the same problem and his pet seems to have pathing issues in the keep, as well. How can I advance my quest?

A: Our Quest Lady-in-Waiting replies: ”I tell players to return to the Snowdonia Fortress courtyard and look for the small doors in the east and west walls. The player should select one door (it doesn't matter which), open it, and stand in the short, flat landing before the first ramp. Within a few minutes, the Arawnite Assassin will spawn at the player's location and attack the player. Fighting the Assassin in this area will prevent guards from interfering and avoid the pathing problems elsewhere in the keep.” Great advice, thanks!

Q: What is the max RSP's you can obtain on Gaheris? 100 or 130?

A: 130.

Q: Why does no one answer my feedback forms personally?

A: Because there are thousands of forms and two people to read them. We try to hit the major topics on the grab bag, and we pass issues that affect a large number of users straight to the development team. Each one we write a personal response to represents ten or more that we won’t have time to answer. When it comes down to a choice like that, the Herald team needs to choose the one that will do the most good for the most people. Reading all your forms (and therefore letting your voice be heard) is a major priority for us.

Q: Do you really read feedback forms sent from people who play on GOA servers like Matt Firor said in Leipzig?

A: Yes The only thing I can’t do for GOA players is look up your account and investigate specific problems (the way I sometimes can for customers on our North American servers). Here’s a question signed by a GOA player, in fact:

Q: In RvR I'm not doing much fighting at all, I am getting two shotted by just about everybody and his dog, though. Is that going to wear out my artifacts quicker than a leetdood who never dies but hits people a lot?

A: The answer is exactly the same as it would be for any equipable item. Your weapon artifacts will wear out slower than the leetdood’s will, because you’re not using it. Anything you’re wearing takes a tiny hit every time you take damage.

(Our computers calculate hits to jewelry and other equipped costume pieces this way – bracers have a chance to take damage when arms are hit, rings when hands are hit, necklaces/head, and belt/legs.)

Rare and artifact items in the game are set to wear out slower than generic items purchased from NPCs, but everything wears out eventually.

Q: I was just wondering where and how I could sign up or apply to beta test the new catacombs expansion.

A: I don’t have a testing schedule yet, but I suspect I’ll be posting the sign up sheet in a few weeks.

Please note that THE number one cause of betas not getting to their owners is the owner’s failure to provide a correctly spelled account name and email address on the sign up form. When you sign up, be sure to double and triple check your form!

Q: I received the error message "Destination zone could not be loaded" when I attempted to zone into the New Frontiers zone. After searching on Google for the cause of this, the only reason listed is the deletion/manipulation of certain game files (hacking). This is obviously not the only reason this error occurs, because I just recieved it and I have not manipulated any game files in any way, whatsoever. Check my account. Please update the information to reflect the other possible reasons for this error. I was able to fix it by having DAOC check all my game files. It is quite frustrating to be labled as a cheater by the FAQ. And please stop handing out slaps on the wrists for cheaters and perma ban every last one of them. Thank you for reading this.

A: Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Yes, sometimes files become messed up on a computer, and it can happen to people who did not intentionally manipulate their files. If you run into a destination error, first try rebooting, and if that fails please run the full file check. It can take a long time, but it can solve a host of problems (beyond destination errors). Personally, I like to run a full scan every few months.

As for your side comment – I don’t disagree, and nobody gets wrist slapped more than once. But you’ve given me a perfect example of why we need to be really careful – sometimes there are innocent reasons for things that look bad.

Q: Is there a way to find out the populations of the servers? I don’t know what the numbers next to the server lists mean. Are those players currently online, or actual accounts using the server?

A: Those numbers reflect the number of players currently online. The number of active accounts who use the server is usually three to five times the number of players on during peak hours on a weekend. Sorry I can’t give you the exact number - I would if I could. Our system records the number of accounts that has ever logged into the server, and peak and average usage figures. If there's more data that we save, I don't know how to access it.


Gentle reminder – many common scenarios for the new free experience system were detailed in a question and answer article here on the Herald. It’s here: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/1651.shtml. Neither I nor the CS team can tell you when you'll get your free experience without pulling logs - and by the time we did that, you'd no doubt have already gotten the experience.

Please don’t send technical support questions to the “Questions” category of the Herald. I have no useful technical skills. I refuse to date myself by telling you which programming language I studied for two semesters. Our tech support team has a system that allows them to follow up with you, but if I merely forward your question, you might not get a timely response. The web form for those of you with technical problems is located here: http://support.darkageofcamelot.com/help/. That’ll do you a whole lot more good than I will. I tried to explain a database problem earlier this week using terms like “thingy.” BELIEVE ME, you don’t want to use a feedback form for a technical question.

We’re getting ever closer to the Camelot Roundtable! I’m psyched to meet Tracy and Laura Hickman, I can’t wait to see old friends among the player base and meet new ones, and I’m really looking forward to the Camelot Feud. I’m going through the survey forms now, and laughing my tail off at the responses. Some of the answers to “What percentage of Camelot players are really women”:

- We are few and far between…
- I wish it was 50%.
- I really hope it’s 50%.
- None. They’re all dirty men.
- All the officers in my guild are women. They’re better at telling people to shut up and crafting.
- .0000000001 – wanna cyber? (No.)
- I thought there were six women in the game until (name deleted) turned out to be a (flipping) DUDE.

If you and up to four other players think you’ve got your fingers on the pulse of the community, be prepared to take a short trivia quiz at the Roundtable. The teams with the most correct answers will be put into a pool, and six teams randomly selected to play.

And don’t forget the movie contest, the costume contest, and… boy, it’s going to be a day packed with madness. Remember, if you register before September 12, you’ll received a guaranteed spot in the Catacombs beta.

All right, I’m done. It’s a long weekend here in the States, and lots of extremely festive barbeque parties and whatnot, so be careful out on the highways. Also, I’m going to be in Austin for most of next week for a gaming conference, so there will not be a grab bag.

See you Tuesday!
Source : The Camelot Herald.

Traduction :

- Si vous utilisez le système de niveaux gratuits introduit en 1.71 pour passer du niveau 41 au niveau 42, vous toucherez bien les points du demi-niveau 41.5, mais il peut arriver que vous ayez à cliquer deux fois sur votre entraîneur.

- Si vous acceptez un niveau gratuit, et que cela vous empêche ensuite d'accéder à votre val préféré, il est impossible de revenir en arrière. Les demandes pour une fenêtre de confirmation avant de changer de niveau ont été transmises.

- L'étape 10 de la quête Rebellion Accepted d'Albion demande de tuer un monstre dans la forteresse de Snowdonia : problèmes, s'y trouvent des bugs de déplacement et les gardes tuent le monstre qui apparaît. Le meilleur moyen de limiter ces bugs est d'attendre derrière les petites portes à l'est et à l'ouest, juste avant les rampes. Après quelques minutes, le monstre va apparaître et pourra être combattu.

- Lorsque vous envoyez à Mythic des commentaires ou suggestions, vous n'aurez sans doute pas de réponse : il n'y a que deux employés destinés pour lire des milliers de messages. Les questions majeures sont traitées dans les grab bags, et les problèmes affectant de nombreux joueurs sont transmis à l'équipe de développement, mais répondre individuellement prendrait trop de temps.

- Sanya confirme que les commentaires des joueurs des serveurs GOA sont bien pris en compte. Seuls les problèmes liés à leur compte ne peuvent être résolus de cette manière. A titre d'anecdote, la question suivante est issue d'un joueur des serveurs GOA :

- L'équipement ne s'use que si l'on s'en sert : les armes s'usent lorsque l'on frappe avec, les armures lorsque l'on se prend des coups dans la zone qu'elles protègent, les bijoux lorsque l'on est frappé dans leur zone (les bras pour les bracelets, les mains pour les anneaux, la tête pour les colliers, et les jambes pour les ceintures.)
La mort n'a pas d'incidence en soi sur l'usure.
Les artefacts et les objets rares se dégradent plus lentement que les objets classiques.

- Les inscriptions via le site au test bêta de l'extension Catacombes devraient commencer d'ici quelques semaines.

- Il arrive parfois qu'en voulant aller dans les zones de Frontières, le message d'erreur "Destination zone could not be loaded" s'affiche. Cela est du à une protection contre la triche, notamment via la modification de fichiers du jeu. Mais des joueurs honnêtes peuvent parfois en être victime en cas de problème sur leur ordinateur qui aurait modifié ces fichiers. Il suffit simplement de cocher, au démarrage, la case demandant une vérification complète des fichiers. Afin de corriger certains problèmes, il est recommandé d'effectuer une vérification préventive plusieurs fois par an.

- Les nombres se trouvant à coté du nom des serveurs indiquent le nombre de personnages connectés actuellement. Le nombre de comptes actifs sur un serveur est généralement de 3 à 5 fois supérieur au nombre de personnages connectés lors des heures de grande affluence d'un weekend.
Citation :
Publié par Nof Samedisthjofr
Afin de corriger certains problèmes, il est recommandé d'effectuer une vérification préventive plusieurs fois par an.
Dire que je ne la faisais jamais.

Bon, et bien, je vais m ' y mettre de ce pas.
Thumbs up
Citation :
Publié par Nof Samedisthjofr
Source : The Camelot Herald.

Traduction :

- Lorsque vous envoyez à Mythic des commentaires ou suggestions, vous n'aurez sans doute pas de réponse : il n'y a que deux employés destinés pour lire des milliers de messages. Les questions majeures sont traitées dans les brag gabs, et les problèmes affectant de nombreux joueurs sont transmis à l'équipe de développement, mais répondre individuellement prendrait trop de temps.
Merci pour la traduction

Tu as fait une faute à grag bags dans la phrase tu as mis brag bags.

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