Correctif du 18 mars 2015, modification de la gestion des terrains

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Comme d'habitude, je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir le temps de traduire ça ou d'en faire une news, alors je copie colle

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[Edit: reminder, as previously stated, unfortunately we are not able to hotfix the correction to outfit drop rates. This will come in the next full game update - which we are aiming for next week.]

With this week’s hotfix, we have removed the ability to buy upkeep directly with Station Cash. This will have no impact on any upkeep you’ve purchased previously with Station Cash. However, once the SC option is removed, everyone will need to continue paying upkeep with copper until after next week’s update. Please refer to the full upkeep changes post here for full details!

In addition, today's hotfix has added some combine themed props and textures for use in Qeynos themed builds (or anywhere else you like).

  • Lamp Post (Tall Combine)
  • Curved Combine Door (Left and Right versions)
  • Arched Combine Door (Left and Right versions)
Added new textures:
  • Combine Ceramic Glazed Shingles Blue
  • Combine Ceramic Glazed Shingles Blue dark
  • Combine Stonework Cobblestone
  • Combine Slate Dark
  • Combine Slate Darkest
Updated existing textures:
  • Combine Terrain Ceramic Glazed
  • Combine Terrain Ceramic Glazed Dark
  • Combine Ceramic Glazed Dark
  • Combine Ceramic Glazed Shingles
  • Combine Ceramic Glazed Shingles Dark
Modification de la gestion des terrains pour les semaines à venir
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Hello Landmarkians!

There are changes coming to Claim Upkeep, and they’re coming soon! These changes will be happening over the next two weeks.

This week
With this week’s hotfix (currently scheduled for Wednesday, 3/18/2015), we’re going to be removing the ability to buy upkeep directly with Station Cash. This will have no impact on any upkeep you’ve purchased previously with Station Cash. However, once the SC option is removed, everyone will need to continue paying upkeep with copper until after next week’s update.

Next week
With next week’s update, you will no longer have to pay upkeep at all. Instead, whenever you log in to the game, you will automatically reset the time to expiration on your claim. Logging in to the game will work the same as pre-paying upkeep previously did. In the new system, each day (determined as 12:00:00AM to 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time) you log in will be tracked, and the more days you’ve logged in, the greater the duration your claims will be protected. Here is how the new system works:

First, you start with an initial Upkeep Timer
  • New player – 7 days
  • Current player – Either 7 days or the maximum upkeep length you can currently pre-pay, whichever is longer
Then, for every 2 days you log in once this system is active, you get 1 additional day that you can protect your claim(s). The maximum length they can be protected for between logins is 90 days.

Previously, protecting your claims capped out at 30 days, and as you can see the new system will allow you to earn much longer periods of protection.

Let’s setup an example to hopefully explain this a little more clearly:

I’m a relatively new player and have only logged in 6 days. This means my current upkeep timer is 7 days + 3 days (this is determined by 6 unique logins divided by 2), which is 10 days. Now, let’s say I login (for the 7th unique day) today. My claims would be protected for the next 10 days. Then I can’t log in for 4 days (don’t ask me why I’d let that happen, but whatever!), so while I’m away, my claim timer will be ticking down. Then, I log in on the 5th day (for my 8th unique day overall), and my claims would then immediately be protected for the next 11 days, which is my new maximum upkeep (7 days base + 3 days from before + 1 more day from the two additional logins).

Hopefully that makes sense!

Once these changes are in place, we will also be refunding everyone’s current upkeep credits as copper, regardless of whether it was initially deposited by the player or the upkeep was purchased with Station Cash.

When we do the character wipe near the end of April, we will be introducing a system for anyone who bought copper or upkeep via Station Cash to be able to get different resources instead. Stay tuned for more information on that system in the near future.

Terry "Fairan" Michaels
Senior Producer
Sources :
T'as une news qui tombe du ciel par ci par la sur ce jeu et surtout une news un peu bidon sans trop de concret. Enfin à ce rythme la il sortira en 2027, gardons espoir.
EQNext est une belle chimère, c'est pas avec des textures (deux images de surcroît) Qeynosienne...

Bref, rien de concret, palpable, c'est sur ça méritais de faire tout un foin dantesque il y a deux ans déjà... Il serait temps d'arrêter de faire joujou avec ce Landmark.
Que ça ne vous intéresse pas, c'est légitime. Mais il ne faut pas vous sentir obligé de vous relayer chaque semaine pour raconter votre vie sur les mises à jour Landmark. À la rigueur allez troll sur les autres sections, et revenez dans 2 ans lâcher un "je vous l'avais dit" victorieux.

Dernière modification par Ori Sacabaf ; 22/03/2015 à 22h56.
et le mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche, tu peux pa juste te connecter et déco dans la foulée ?

Si j'ai bien compris ça suffit pour etre comptabilisable.
Citation :
Publié par Lilith-raito
  • toutes les 2 connexions (comptabilisées), le temps de protection est augmenté d'un jour

en deux mots avec mon taf je peut me co que le lundi et l'ai donc bien profond?
Si tu te connectes deux jours par semaine, tu gagneras 1 jour de protection toutes les semaines. Au bout d'un an comme ça, tu auras gagné 26 jours de protection, pour un total de 33 jours (en supposant que tu n'aies que 7 jours actuellement).

Mais effectivement, je n'ai vu nulle part qu'il fallait un temps minimal de connexion. Se connecter et se déconnecter aussitôt devrait suffire. Si ça se trouve, accéder à la page de sélection des serveurs suffit.

Par contre, je sais pas si on repartira tous de 7 jours après le wipe ou à l'Open beta... Ou si on garde les jours de protection d'ores et déjà acquis.
Citation :
Publié par Kyzoun
Je suis vraiment de plus en plus scèptique sur EQN.
On nous parle que de Landmark, le MMO est noyé dans ce Minecraft like.

Bref, ça sent vraiment pas bon.
En même temps, c'est la section Landmark ici, pas la section EQN

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