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C'est marrant, les artworks de Katarina sont des reprises de ses artworks chinois mais avec le visage retravaillé pour mieux coller à celui de Kat. C'est d'autant plus visible sur le KittyCat.

Il claque l'artwork du skin Predator de Rengar !
Pour ce qui est de Katarina : Scarra et TNA ne sont pas vraiment joyeux de rework de Katarina qui la rend moins puissante mid. Mais à côté il y a d'autres heureux :
Citation :
Welp, played Katarina jungle on PBE ive concluded she is going to be pretty broken if they keep the numbers.

Et c'est vrai que quand on y pense avec son rework qui donne une autre AOE permettant de clean très rapidement + le shunpo qui offre en permanence le buff reduc et permet de dash (comme avant vous allez me dire) ça permet de faire un gros jungler ...
Elle est quand même bien fragile. Elle à peut être les moyens de clean sa jungle dans les normes, d'avoir un gank potable, elle reste très dépendante de sa team pour engage/escape.
Et encore, pour être viable en jungle, elle doit perdre pas mal de burst sur ces runes, summoners, masteries...

Mais tant que l'esprit "je jump sur tout ce qui bouge pour esquiver/attaquer" reste, je demande à voir
Patch note dispo :

Rengar, the Pridestalker
  • Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Rengar will be released at a future date

  • General
    • Base Health Regen reduced to 8.25 from 9.85
    • Health Regen per level reduced to 0.75 from 0.85
    • Base Attack Damage reduced to 56 from 60.1
    • Attack Damage per level increased to 3.5 from 3
  • Perseverance (Passive)
    • Delay increased to 9 seconds from 7 seconds
    • No longer deactivates when damaged by lane minions
    • Now displays the Health Regen gained in the tooltip
  • Decisive Strike
    • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12/11/10/9/8
    • Movement Speed increased to 35% at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35%
    • Movement Speed duration adjusted to 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 seconds from 4 at all ranks
    • Base damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/45/60/75/90
    • Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2.5 at all ranks
    • Now removes slows on activation
    • Can now critically strike again
    • Buff duration reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
    • Fixed: Garen's next basic attack after Decisive Strike no longer occurs unusually quickly
    • Fixed: Decisive Strike is no longer consumed if Garen fails to finish attacking
    • While performing Decisive Strike, Garen now continues to follow his target if they are moving
  • Courage
    • Changed to passively increase Armor and Magic Resist by 20% rather than 0 to 25 based on kills
    • Damage reduction adjusted to 30% from 20/24/28/32/36%
    • Active now additionally grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction
    • Duration adjusted to 2/3/4/5/6 seconds from 3/3/3/3/3
    • Cooldown adjusted to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18
  • Judgment
    • Damage adjusted to 20/45/70/95/120 (+0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1 total Attack Damage) from 50/90/130/170/210 (+1.4 bonus Attack Damage)
    • Damage dealt to minions increased to 75% from 50%
    • No longer removes slows on activation or reduces the duration of incoming slows while active
    • Ignores unit collision during Judgment but takes a 20% Movement Speed penalty when spinning through minions
    • Fixed: Judgment no longer locks out Garen from taking other actions longer than intended
  • Demacian Justice
    • Cooldown adjusted to 160/120/80 seconds from 140/120/100

  • Remove Scurvy
    • Fixed: Remove Scurvy now removes Blinds

  • General
    • Improved the responsiveness of his basic attacks, primarily in Hammer stance
    • Fixed: The first basic attack after swapping to Mercury Cannon is now more responsive

Katarina (Gameplay and Art Remake)
  • Voracity (Passive)
    • Champion kills or assists reduce Death Lotus's cooldown by 10 seconds and refresh basic abilities
  • Bouncing Blades
    • 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 second cooldown
    • Katarina throws a dagger which deals 50/85/120/155/190 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage. The dagger bounces to the 4 closest enemies dealing 10% less damage with each bounce
    • Enemies hit are marked for 4 seconds. Katarina's basic attacks or spells will consume the mark dealing 15/30/45/60/75 (+0.2 Ability Power) magic damage
  • Sinister Steel
    • 4 second cooldown
    • Whirls daggers in a circle dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.5 bonus Attack Damage) (+0.35 Ability Power) magic damage. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains 12/20/28/36/44% Movement Speed for 1 second
  • Shunpo
    • 14/12/10/8/6 second cooldown
    • Moves to a target's location. Deals 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage if the target is an enemy
    • After using Shunpo, Katarina gains 20% damage reduction for 3 seconds
  • Death Lotus
    • 60/55/50 second cooldown
    • Becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers at the closest 3 enemy Champions dealing 400/500/600 (+3 bonus Attack Damage) (+1.75 Ability Power) magic damage over 2 seconds
    • Daggers apply Grievous Wounds, reducing incoming healing by 50% for 3 seconds

  • Righteous Fury
    • Ability Power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2

  • Aegis of Zeonia
    • Slight increase in the speed of the jump
    • Now places Pantheon slightly in front of the target instead of directly on top of the enemy

  • Dragon's Descent
    • Fixed a bug where Dragon's Descent would hitch on initial use when using skins

  • Toxic Shot
    • Damage on impact increased to 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4 Ability Power) from 9/18/27/36/45 (+0.14 Ability Power)
    • Poison Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.1 from 0.14
    • Fixed: Fixed a bug where the poison was lasting longer than intended
    • Fixed: Damage values will now update correctly when Teemo hits a unit with a lower level Toxic Shot poison

  • Piercing Arrow
    • Fixed: Piercing Arrow no longer sometimes fires from a point above his bow
    • Fixed: Piercing Arrow now more reliably hits targets at the end of its range
  • Blighted Quiver
    • Ability Power ratio on Blight stack detonation increased to 0.02 per stack from 0.01
  • Chain of Corruption
    • Missile width increased to 100 from 60
    • Increased missile visibility
    • Spread range from primary target to nearby targets increased to 550 from 450
    • Tendril break range increased to 600 from 550

  • Fixed: Satchel Charge's timeout tone will now play properly

  • Rise of the Thorns (Passive)
    • Now properly cancels spell casts upon activation
  • Rampant Growth
    • Destroying a seed no longer breaks spell shields
    • Plant selection radius increased slightly
  • Grasping Roots
    • Modified the vine particle to be easier to see

  • Friend List notes
    • Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Friend List notes will be released at a future date
  • Updated tooltips for Cho'Gath
  • The main HUD health and mana bars will now display regen per second as opposed to regen per 5 seconds
  • The "Reset HUD" button in the "Interface Options" menu will now set the global scale value to the correct amount
  • Fixed: Wraiths and Lesser Wraiths no longer state they steal life in the tooltip

Proving Grounds
  • Nexus turrets
    • Amount increased back to 2 from 1
    • Health reduced by 900
    • Armor reduced by 20
    • Base Attack Damage reduced by 30

J'en connais un qui cherche à se faire ban.

Sinon Garen est au final bien bien up sur ce patch, le passif qui dégage plus qd un *bip* de minion te hit, le A up sur tous les points limite, le Z qui lui donne des airs d'Irelia qui en raf des ccs et même si le E perd un peu de dégats (fallait s'y attendre hein), le R voit son cd ajusté pour le late.

Reste à voir Kata
  • Perseverance (Passive)
    • Delay increased to 9 seconds from 7 seconds
    • No longer deactivates when damaged by lane minions
    • Now displays the Health Regen gained in the tooltip

=> Buff

  • Decisive Strike
    • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12/11/10/9/8
    • Movement Speed increased to 35% at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35%
    • Movement Speed duration adjusted to 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 seconds from 4 at all ranks
    • Base damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/45/60/75/90
    • Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2.5 at all ranks
    • Now removes slows on activation
    • Can now critically strike again
    • Buff duration reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
    • Fixed: Garen's next basic attack after Decisive Strike no longer occurs unusually quickly
    • Fixed: Decisive Strike is no longer consumed if Garen fails to finish attacking
    • While performing Decisive Strike, Garen now continues to follow his target if they are moving

=> Nerf hard de l'early, up du mid et du late

  • Courage
    • Changed to passively increase Armor and Magic Resist by 20% rather than 0 to 25 based on kills
    • Damage reduction adjusted to 30% from 20/24/28/32/36%
    • Active now additionally grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction
    • Duration adjusted to 2/3/4/5/6 seconds from 3/3/3/3/3
    • Cooldown adjusted to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18

=> Gros up

  • Judgment
    • Damage adjusted to 20/45/70/95/120 (+0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1 total Attack Damage) from 50/90/130/170/210 (+1.4 bonus Attack Damage)
    • Damage dealt to minions increased to 75% from 50%
    • No longer removes slows on activation or reduces the duration of incoming slows while active
    • Ignores unit collision during Judgment but takes a 20% Movement Speed penalty when spinning through minions
    • Fixed: Judgment no longer locks out Garen from taking other actions longer than intended

=> Nerf from the space, on perd en dégâts en early comme en late, on push trois fois plus et on est slow quand on traverse des creeps LOLOLOLZ.
Contrairement à ce que l'on pense d'ailleurs le sort est pas si bien que çà dès l'early. Un type avec armor + potions ou meme bottes, qui clack une pot quand tu arrives et que t'auto-hit puis combo pendant le tiens, il perd beaucoup moins de vie que toi même avec le shield activé et le passif derrière pour regen :/.

  • Demacian Justice
    • Cooldown adjusted to 160/120/80 seconds from 140/120/100

=> Comme en end-game un crit auto hit ou un Q est meilleur que l'ult actuel et que l'early est nerf sur le CD, pour moi c'est un nerf.

Au final on se retrouve avec un monstre de résistance que tu kites comme tu veux a l'auto-hit et avec des dégâts moyens en early-mid et très faibles en late. On trouve mieux que lui dans tout les rôles. J'aurai esperer un moveset plus offensif notamment avec un changement du passif mais là je suis déçu et pourtant je l'attendais ce rework ...

Pourquoi jouer Garen quand on peut jouer Mundo, Riven, Renekton, ou Shyvana qui ont soit plus de dégâts en AoE sur la durée, des CCs plus utiles pour la plupart et un tanking similaire ?

Dernière modification par Sushi Akira ; 15/08/2012 à 07h31.
Citation :
Publié par Sushi Akira
Pourquoi jouer Garen quand on peut jouer Mundo, Riven, Renekton, ou Shyvana qui ont soit plus de dégâts en AoE sur la durée, des CCs plus utiles pour la plupart et un tanking similaire ?
Parce que je ne peux pas beugler DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA en /all quand je tue quelqu'un avec Mundo. Échec et mat.

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