1.109c sur pendragon 31/08/11

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En provenance du Herald

Citation :

The Summoners of the Summoner's Hall have been ignored for too long, and have been able to increase their power significantly as a result. Aidon the Archwizard, Summoner Roesia, Summoner Losseren, Summoner Cunovida, and Grand Sommoner Govannon now provide greater challenges and rewards to the fighters of the realms.

A series of repeatable Monster, and Player kill tasks have been added to the Leirvik and Cathal Valley battlegrounds. These quests will grant generous amounts of experience and Aurilite as rewards.

Spec Armor Factor and Haste buffs have been added to the Camelot Cleric, Jordheim Shaman, and Tir na Nog Druids. Buffing NPCs have also been added to the Battlegrounds.

Listening to the combined complaints of Bards, Minstrels and Skalds all Hastener NPCs have been changed to provide their speed buff only to the player that interacts with the NPC.

Class Balance


Balance Changes

The AoE Bolt line of spells in the Ethereal Shriek specialization line has had its range decreased from 1875 to 1000 units.


Bug Fixes

  • The level 10 AoE Root Spell has been renamed “Patch of Brambles.”
  • The level 29 AoE Root Spell has been renamed “Field of Brambles.”
  • The level 28 Instant Root Spell has been renamed “Sprouting Thicket.”

World Changes

Realm vs. Realm

Frontiers Changes

Bounty Master NPCs have been added to each realm’s Relic Towns in the Frontiers.

All Hastener NPCs have been changed to provide their speed buff only to the player that interacts with the NPC or /says the [movement] keyword. Additionally, the Speed of the Realm buff should be handed out more consistently.
Minstrel of Albion, Skald of Midgard, and Bard of Hibernia NPCs now provide the Speed of the Realm buff on interact in addition to using the [movement] keyword as before.

Undergoblin Grunts have had their damage and defense decreased to bring them more in-line with other charmable mobs of a similar level.

Spec Armor Factor and Haste buffs have been added to the Camelot Cleric, Jordheim Shaman, and Tir na Nog Druids. These buffs will cost 6 gold or 6 bounty points each. Additionally, the prices of the “Spec Buffs” and the “Full Buffs” tokens have been increased to reflect the addition of these two new spells.

Bug Fixes

The region Fensalir Gate is now spelled correctly.

Realm vs. Realm Dungeons Changes

Hastener NPCs have been added to the Labyrinth entrances for the three realms.

The following encounters in Summoners Hall have been increased in difficulty: Aidon The Archwizard, Summoner Roesia, Summoner Losseren, Summoner Cunovida, and Grand Sommoner Govannon.

The following Encounters in Sommoners Hall have had their loot tables updated. These new items will be in line with items from Celestius Encounters: Aidon The Archwizard, Summoner Roesia, Summoner Losseren, Summoner Cunovida

Battlegrounds Changes

Buffing NPCs have been added to the Battlegrounds, starting in the Hills of Claret. These NPCs will provide level-appropriate buffs that can be bought with gold.

A series of repeatable Monster, and Player kill tasks have been added to the following Battlegrounds: These quests will grant generous amounts of experience and Aurulite as rewards.
  • Leirvik: Albion - Captain Peliane, Albion Commander, Midgard: Captain Kormarg, Midgard Commander , Hibernia: Captain Lunilmar, Hibernia Commander.
  • Cathal Valley: Albion - Captain Osezel, Field Marshal Hurlbrink, Midgard - Captain Talmeri, General Halverson, Hibernia - Captain Fallorisse, Consul Thulos.

Level appropriate Aurulite merchants have been added to the following Battlegrounds:
  • Leirvik: Albion - Olorlara, Midgard - Sunda, Hibernia - Belazil.
  • Cathal Valley: Albion - Olorlara, Midgard - Sunda, Hibernia - Belazil.

Items Changes

The following Respec Stones have been changed to allow them to be /useable instead of having to turn them into the appropriate NPC:
  • Full Skill Respec Stones:
    • Luminescent Exerpise Stone
    • Incandescent Exerpise Stone
    • Luminescent Iterare Stone
  • Single Skill Respec Stones:
    • Luminescent Ceriac Stone
  • Realm Respec Stones:
    • Luminescent Exeregum Stone
    • Luminescent Abrogo Stone
    • Luminescent Induco Stone

All respec stones must be unstacked to be /used.

Full Skill and Realm Respec Stones may only be /used if a character does not have any full skill or realm respecs available. Single Skill Respec Stones may be /used if a character has zero or one single skill respec available. Type “/respec” in-game to see the available respecs for a given character.

Characters must still visit their trainer in order to perform a /respec.

A second version of the “Speed of The Hunt” gem called “Greater Speed of the Hunt” has been added to the Bounty Store.
This new version provides 20 charges of the ‘Speed of the Hunt’ movement spell, and sells for 200 Bounty Points.

The cast timer on the ‘Speed of the Hunt’ spell has been reduced to 3 seconds from 5 seconds.

Bug Fixes

Lute of the Hollow Soul (Hibernia): Fixed an issue where this item was giving an Empathy bonus instead of Charisma.

En vrac :

Ae bolt banshee : portée réduite 1875 a 1000
Druide : renommage de quelques sorts
les hateurs en ZF ne donneront le speed qu'au déclencheur du sort (et plus en zone)
ajout du buff af de spé et hate au pnj de buff
ajout de pnj buff dans certains vaux
ajouts de quêtes, monstres et marchands d'aurulite sur certains vaux
ajout d'un speed portable 20 charge au marchand de primes
up des nommés du hall des invoc qui droppent maintenant des loots de puissance équivalente au donjon ml 10
nerf des gobelins jaunes cheated
modification du fonctionnement des pierres de respec, maintenant il faudra /use la pierre pour avoir la respec si le personnage n'en a pas déjà sur lui (du même type)
C'est quoi ce patch de merde? Go foutre les bolts thauma a 360 de range tant qu'on y est...
Le seul truc intéressant => Undergoblin Grunts have had their damage and defense decreased to bring them more in-line with other charmable mobs of a similar level.<=
Citation :
Publié par PtinoobzLOL
C'est quoi ce patch de merde? Go foutre les bolts thauma a 360 de range tant qu'on y est...
Il n'y a pas de stun vaseline sur Albion.

Quoi la Banshee en a pas non plus ?
Citation :
Publié par Honikou
Parfait pour reroll, il arrive quand sur le live environ ?

donc on peut maintenant full up 10-50 en quete bg ?
Apparemment oui on pourra d'ici 2 semaines peut être (enfin je suppose qu'il devrait pas être trop long a test ce patch )
j'espère qu'ils ont pensé à ce que le speed atteigne quand même le pet du pda par exemple
Joli patch a la con qui nerf les bolts qui n'ont d'intérêt que leur portée .... sinon ça s'appelle un dd .... bref ....

Citation :
Publié par orime
Il n'y a pas de stun vaseline sur Albion.

Quoi la Banshee en a pas non plus ?
Les 3/4 des magos hibs préféreraient avoir un root plutôt qu'un stun mais passons...

Citation :
Publié par Fruit<>Bluxte
20 charges de speed / 3 sec d'incant. Favoriser les addeurs / fuyards. Vivement le retrait de tous les hateurs!
Certes mais pour les solos qui ont deja leur invent plein d'armes/mythi/popo et j'en passe c'est que du bonheur il était temps !!!.

Ca sent le nerf suite a des QQ de conducteurs de bus rien de plus, continuez à nerf Hibernia (Royaume oh combien cheat !!!!) au lieu de vous préoccupez des aberrations des classes d'autres royaumes (voir post vidéo Syrenae) ...

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