Nouveau Q&A sur le site off

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We were surprised to find out that some of you still had questions about the game. Just kidding; we weren’t really surprised. The dev. team is working hard to prepare the next beta patch, but we did manage to snag some time with EnoYls, who provided the bulk of the answers below. Thanks go out to everyone who helped put together this Q&A, and thanks to you all for bringing up some good topics for discussion.

What should players expect in the World of Warcraft end-game? That is, is there an end-game for casual gamers as well as power gamers, small guilds, groups of friends, large guilds, etc.?

New content will be continuously added into the game and players can always expect to see new events and things for them to do and achieve in the game. Players that do eventually hit the level cap will have the option to participate in a variety of end-game content, such as:

* Individual players can work toward a hero class.
* The PvP System will be more advanced than it is today -- including the addition of rewards.
* Guilds will have an extensive amount of raid content available to them with many zones and "uber" bosses to defeat.

How much of the world, including dungeons, is unlocked and available to testers today? What is the end-of-beta goal that the developers want to see for released/tested content?

With the next patch, we will be raising the level cap to level 55 and we will be opening up the corresponding zones and dungeons to accommodate characters of that level. We have almost finished all the adventuring zones for characters up to level 60, and we only have a few more outdoor zones and dungeons to go. We are also adding "raid" content to the game (epic encounters that take several groups to defeat); however, while we intend to have a great deal of this content, we will only beta test a small amount and reserve the rest for discovery by players on release.

Will there be any special areas in the game that require a lot of effort before they can be entered?

Yes, there is actually a full spectrum of areas that will challenge players and require them to exert some (or a lot of) effort in order to gain access to them. By "full spectrum" we mean that we intend to have areas that are challenging for casual gamers and some that will even test the hardcore "power gamers'" abilities.

The Scarlet Monastery is an example of a quest area that requires a small amount of effort to unlock, as players merely need to find a key to gain access to the more advanced parts of the Monastery. Conversely, opening the Dark Portal is an example of a very difficult and epic quest that would require lots of effort on the part of many Warlocks to complete.

Does Blizzard have a team for designing world events, role-playing content, etc.?

We do have a world event team that will be in charge of maintaining and adding to the calendar of events that will span across the world. World of Warcraft is structured to have world events, contests and other social events regularly so that events can be experienced by all players. The event system, and the world event team that will run it, will ensure that players will always have something to do beyond the quests and activities that players participate in on a day-to-day basis. We don't want to tip our hand just yet, but you can look forward to celebrating real-world and Azeroth-based holidays, world events like having a Human zeppelin raid The Crossroads, worldwide fishing contests and much, much more!

What is the target average number of players going to be on retail servers?

The concurrency rate is currently planned to be around 2000-2500 players at peak times. There won't be a maximum amount of players that are allowed to "live" on a server, but this is the amount of characters we expect to actually be in the world at any given time.

Will there be a role-playing server at retail (one that will have a more strict role-playing and behavior etiquette)?

We do not currently have plans to incorporate this in retail, but we'll continue to evaluate demand and see if it warrants the creation of role-playing servers.

Will there be more options for character customization in the future -- to include, more faces, hairstyles, maybe weight/height, and even some rare armor recipes that have variable ingredients to modify the color (different dyes)?

We don't have a significant number of additions in mind, but we will occasionally be adding new hairstyles, different faces and other customization details to the character-creation screen as we get closer to launch. As for apparel and armor, there will be a very large variety of pieces that can be collected, and we're continually adding new pieces, but there will not be an option to dye armor to change its color.

Will maximum guild size be limited in World of Warcraft? Has this size been decided yet?

We're still evaluating whether or not we want to put a cap on the amount of members any one guild can have.

Will there be secret and hard-to-find pets and mounts that are rarer than others?

Yes. =)

Will there be pet and mount emotes?

It's not likely that we will be able to add this in time for launch, but it is on our wish list of things that we'd like to add as time permits.

Is the skill system going to be revised in the future?

Yes, you'll see changes to the skill system not in the upcoming patch, but in the one after that.

Will letters sent in the mail system be able to hold more than one item/stack?

This is actually one of the topics that we're discussing, as a number of players have brought it to our attention. We don't have an answer to this question yet, but we do feel that it is a positive idea that we want to incorporate into the game -- one of a few "polish" tweaks that would be a positive addition to the overall feel of the game. It may or may not make it into the game in time for ship, but we do encourage players to send more feedback about changes like this that they'd really like to see.

Will there be top hats to go with the tuxes already in game?

They haven't been made yet, but we plan on getting them into the game soon, hopefully by launch.

Are there going to be any rules put in place against corpse camping?

We're currently discussing what sort of polices and procedures we would like to incorporate in the game to keep instances of griefing like this at a minimum. We'll continue to observe and balance how the PvP aspect of the game works, and we will incorporate changes in the game or policies as needed.

Are more riddle/puzzle quests coming?

We do plan on adding a few more riddle/puzzle quests into the game, in addition to the ones that are already available, such as Cortello's Riddle or some of the other quests like Captain Sander’s Treasure Map and Sweet Amber. If you would like to see more quests of this type, or any other type, please be sure to /suggest them.

With there be more weather effects than the random lightning by the Dark Portal?

Yes, we do plan on adding more of these types of effects. This is on our list of things to do, but we don't have an ETA at this time.

Will items produced by the Horde trade-skillers look different from those created by Alliance members when the final product is released?

Trade skill items with the same name will not be different across factions, but there already are (and will be more) items that are specific to the Alliance and the Horde. For example, Horde players cannot make Ironforge Breastplates, and Alliance players cannot make any of the Barbaric Iron Armor pieces.

Will we be able to untrain talents in the retail product?

In the upcoming beta patch, we plan to allow characters to untrain in talents freely in order to better help balance the talents. However, we feel that investing in talents is a commitment that defines and distinguishes one's character and should not be allowed to be changed freely. Although we do not have a structure for how this will work in retail as of yet, we do intend to have a penalty to prevent players from talent-hopping to suit situations on the fly.
Citation :
Publié par Me Too
J'aimerai bien une traduction car là moi je comprends rien
Guide pour les questions :
On les reconnait car elles commencent toutes par W. Cherche un mot comprehensible dedans et devine le reste.

Guide pour les reponses :
Lis la premiere phrase uniquement (qq mots en general)
Yes = oui, dans un futur patch
We have plans = ptet un jour
We weren't discuting = DTC
C'etait sur et certain qu'il n'y aurais pas de serveur "rp" pour un mmorpg en 3D grand public comme Wow et je dirais presque tant mieux parce que chacun sa vision du rp .

Pour le reste , c'est comme d'hab , peut etre ben que oui , peut etre ben que non mais on sais pas quand sinon peut etre .

ça commence a me gonfler mais bon , attendons que le jeu sorte deja ...
Citation :
Publié par Kanabix
Ze veut la traduct quand meme
Je m'en occupe

Petit résumé :

  • Blizzard ajoutera du contenu afin que les joueurs ne s'ennuie pas une fois niveau 60. De plus vous aurez accès aux classes héroïques.

  • Des zones et donjons haut niveaux vont être ajoutés lors du prochain en même temps que le niveau 55.

  • Le jeu actuel ne contient pas tout le contenu. De nombreuses zones et donjons vont être ajoutés au fil de l'évolution de la Béta.

  • Des zones spéciales pour les Raids vont bientôt être mise en place mais ne seront pas entièrement accessible afin de garder la surprise pour la sortie du jeu.

  • Des monstres épiques seront présent et nécessiteront de nombreux groupes pour les tuer.

  • Des zones fermées spéciales seront aussi accessible aux joueurs les plus courageux et ingénieux. Par exemple réussir à ouvrir le Dark Portal avec plusieurs Sorcier. Ou réussir à trouver la clé qui ouvre le Monastère.

  • Pleins d'évènements seront mise en place lors de la sortie du jeu via notre équipe d'animateur. Quêtes spéciales, évènements qui se déroule sur plusieurs jours, célébrations organisées pour les jours de fêtes comme le 14 Juillet, Noël... Concours de pêche, Raid en Zeppelin...

  • Les serveurs devrait contenir environ 2000 à 2500 personnes lors de la versions finale. Ce n'est pas le nombre maximal mais le nombre de joueurs online simultanément prévus.

  • Pas de serveur RP (Role Play) mais si la demande est forte Blizzard en mettra un en place.

  • Pas de gros ajout d'option de choix de personnalisation lors de la création du personnage prévu, mais de nouvelles pièces d'armures seront ajoutées. Par contre le faite de pouvoir teindre son armure ne sera pas possible.

  • Blizzard réfléchie sur le faite de mettre un cap de joueurs pour les Guilde.

  • Des animaux de compagnie et montures très rares seront présentes dans le jeu.

  • Des changements sont prévu pour le système de compétence. Pas dans ce patch mais dans ceux à venir.

  • Blizzard pourrait augmenter le nombre d'objet envoyable par courrier. Actuellement seulement 1 par lettre est autoriser.

  • Des quêtes type puzzle/énigme seront encore ajoutées.

  • Des variations climatiques sont prévu.

  • Lors de la version finale il sera possible de respec ses Talents mais avec une pénalité. Lors du prochain patch, les testeurs pourront respec leurs Talents sans pénalités afin de tous les tester.

Voilà rien de bien nouveau par rapport à la dernière FAQ -> .
Thumbs up
Merci Wolfen
Pour la traduction

Citation :
Pas de serveur RP (Role Play) mais si la demande est forte Blizzard en mettra un en place.
ou j'envoie mes doléances ?
Citation :
Publié par kelmon
Pour la traduction

ou j'envoie mes doléances ?
Clair que si quelqu'un pourrait fournir l'adresse où on peut faire part de notre envie d'un serveur RP, il faudrait la mettre en post-it sur ce forum et pousser les joueurs RP à participer en masse à la demande.
probablement sur le forum de la beta euro.... enfin le jour où....

si on est tres nombreux a demander un serveur rp...qui sait ?

edit : sous couvert de faire parti des heureux elus
edit (2) : merci wolfen
Citation :
Clair que si quelqu'un pourrait fournir l'adresse où on peut faire part de notre envie d'un serveur RP, il faudrait la mettre en post-it sur ce forum et pousser les joueurs RP à participer en masse à la demande.
Où alors attendre que le jeu sorte non ?

Merci Wolfen pour ce résumé .

De mon coté j'ai hâte de voir ce que Blizzard va nous faire avec le système de compétence ...
Citation :
Publié par Edwin
Où alors attendre que le jeu sorte non ?

Merci Wolfen pour ce résumé .

De mon coté j'ai hâte de voir ce que Blizzard va nous faire avec le système de compétence ...
Pas forcement une bonne idee, si le serveur RP n'ets pas dispo au debut, ca veut dire qu'il faudra reroll pour y aller. :/
Blizzard a bien précisé que seul le serveur "classique" et le serveur PvP serait présent à la sortie du jeu, car ils n'ont actuellement le temps que de travailler sur ces deux là.

Donc c'est ce qui arrivera même si Blizzard prévoit d'en faire un .
Citation :
Publié par wolfen_donkane
Blizzard réfléchie sur le faite de mettre un cap de joueurs pour les Guilde.
Voilà une bonne chose, j'ésperes qu'ils vont limiter vraiment le nombre, genre 20 membres max :P (4full groupe)

Parceque qui dit grande guilde dit gros zerg
C est pas si negatif que ca ce petit resume
Variations climatiques c est toujours sympa, les gros mobs qui te Os c tres sympa aussi enfin pas mal de petites choses
c'est pas le nombre de joueur guildés qui définit le zerg mais le nombre de joueur online.Donc si il y a quelque chose à limiter, c'est le nombre de joueur possible sur un event.
Ou mieux encore un event dont la difficulté évolue selon le nombre de joueur et les classes représentées au cours du raid(/dream total)
Idenoir Gnome Assassin *retired*
Kane Bayle

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