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Un livestream aurai lieu cette nuit sur twitchtv
Ca fait une heure que j'essaye, et soit c'est "403", soit rien ne s'affiche. A priori ils "bossent" dessus.
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John Smedley ‏@j_smedley

If you're getting a 403 error or Forbidden when trying to go to roadmap we are working on it.
Ca commence fort
Votes remis à zéro mais là ça marche pour moi

Janvier :
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Experience Incentives
The idea behind this Incentive system is that higher “priority” targets are worth more experience than others. So killing someone on a wicked kill streak nets you more XP than killing someone right as they spawn.

For example, perhaps something like this:
  • Spawn Kill
    • 25xp
    • This is a newly spawned player alive for less than seconds.
  • Kill
    • 100xp
    • This is a player who has lived for more than 30 seconds and has accrued less than 500 unbuffed xp without dying.
  • Priority Kill
    • 150xp
    • This is a Player who has lived for more than 30 seconds and has accrued more than 1000 unbuffed xp and less than 2000 unbuffed xp without dying.
  • High Priority Kill
    • 300xp
    • This is a Player who has lived for more than 30 seconds and has accrued more than 2000 unbuffed xp without dying
When an enemy is spotted, we mayd add a visual indicator to show the relative target “priority”
This status would be inherited by any vehicle the player owns
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Creating "No Deploy" zones for AMS equipped Sunderers

We are currently discussing mechanics which would allow designers to designate areas within a base or facility that Sunderers cannot deploy in. The initial use of this ability will be to disallow Sunderer deployment in Tower Vehicle Bays, but that can expand if we discover other problematic areas.
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Spawn Room Tunnel System
In our ongoing effort to mitigate spawn camping, we are planning on adding some spawn room tunnel networks to provide additional escape paths. The current plan is to add these to all Tech Plants and Amp Stations.
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Player Invincibility on Spawn
Getting killed right as you spawn in is not fun. One of the things we can do to try and reduce frustration on that front is to add a very brief period of invulnerability to a player in that situation.

The goal would be to only allow players to get their bearings and maybe start to make a break for cover – taking any actions like firing a weapon would remove the invulnerability even if the default timer had not yet expired.
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Rendering Distance Based on Threat
We want to mitigate the impact of render distance on enemies that are a direct threat. For example, anyone that pilots air vehicles can probably attest to how lame it is to get shot down by AA players that didn't render because of the distances involved. We want to make sure that doesn't happen.
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More secure spawn rooms at small outposts
This entails adding more windows and doors, as well as a canopy to protect against aircraft. This should make spawn camping more difficult and will be present across all small outposts.
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Experience Source Display Improvements
We want to display the total Experience bonus percentage rewarded whenever you get the applicable experience.

Currently this would show as a small popup next to your Cert point display right above the Minimap.
This would add up elements like:
  • Population Bonus
  • Membership Bonus
  • Defense Bonus
We might actually just display the defense bonus as a static value in the facility panel above the minimap all the time
  • Squad Boosts
  • Personal Boosts
In addition, we want to show a progress bar over your certification points to give a better visual indicator of how close you are to earning your next cert point.
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Defender Only Jump Pads
In an effort to help support general defense at facilities, we’re exploring the idea of having the jump pads which allow players to quickly traverse the walls only be usable by the Empire in control of the facility.

The current plan is to roll this out to all of the Tech Plant and some specific Biolab walls.
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We want to add a new weapon type, the Submachine Gun (SMG), to the game.

The current plan is to make them accessible to all classes outside of the MAX
Stats on the individual weapons will vary slightly to account for Empire and specialization differences, but currently the goal is to have the SMG look something like this:
  • Pros
    • Excels in Close Quarters Combat
    • Top end Rate of Fire
    • Low Time To Kill
  • Cons
    • Significant drop off in effectiveness at medium and long range
    • Limited magazine size
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Window Plugs
We are making windows all across Auraxis’ bases and facilities smaller, so it should be tougher for tanks and planes to shoot into buildings.
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Tower Redesign
The layout of towers will be altered to include more shields and an additional exit from the spawn room. The hope is to make spawn camping in the towers a more difficult proposition.
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Destroying the SCU only penalizes Spawn Timers
Currently, destroying an Spawn Control Unit (SCU) completely removes that Spawn point from the facility until it is repaired. Unfortunately this can have the effect of ending a fight too quickly and lead to boring moments. Players may not want to stand around waiting for the point to flip because defenders can no longer get to the fight.

One possible solution to this problem would be to have a destroyed SCU penalize the spawn timer for that location rather than simply disabling the spawn point completely.
So with an SCU destroyed, defenders could still spawn at the base, but they would do so with a penalty to their Respawn Timer.
This would affect all player spawns for the facility that are not tied to a Forward Spawn Point. Forward Spawns would remain unaffected by this change.

The overall intent would be to shift the climactic moment of the battle to holding/taking the control point instead of defending/destroying the SCU.
Voilà pour Janvier, je continue tant que ça marche
Ça à l'air assez stable, ça marche pour tout le monde ou bien ? Si oui, j'arrête, ça sert à rien de continuer

Février :
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Pump Action Shotguns
We would like to add a new weapon type, the Pump Action Shotgun. These shotguns fill a similar role to the existing semi-auto’s already in game, but trade rate of fire for increased damage.
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Spectator Mode
We would like to add Spectator Mode for live gameplay observation.
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Account Level Unlocks
We would like items purchased with Station Cash to be unlocked across all characters on the account who can utilize them. This change would be retroactive to prior purchases.
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Empire Specific Rocket Launchers
We would like to add Empire-specific rocket launchers, including things like player guided rockets, multiple lock-on swarm missiles, and a charge fire mode into the mix.
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Vehicle Update: Flash
We want to add new abilities and weapons to the Flash.

Current ideas include:
  • Adding additional weapon types
  • Wraith (cloaking the quad) option for infiltrators
We're still brainstorming, so call out any ideas you have that you think would be cool for the Flash.
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VR Training Area
Learning how to play the game under live fire conditions can be pretty daunting. To help address this, we’re planning on adding in a VR Training zone that will be a safe haven for players to try out weapons, practice piloting vehicles, and get comfortable with basic game mechanics.

Initially, this area would be more of a sandbox for players to experiment in, but down the road we’d potentially look to leverage it for in game tutorials.
Highlights include:
  • Your faction only
  • Friendly fire disabled
  • No vehicle spawn timers or resource cost
  • All weapons available for use
  • Areas set up for firing ranges and vehicle courses
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Orbital Strike
Orbital Strikes are intended to help push enemy players out of an area by turning that area into a series of large explosions. Players should have enough warning time to potentially escape the area, but if caught off guard, they would definitely not enjoy the experience.

  • Functionally, the idea is to be able to call down an orbital strike via a consumable laser targeting device. When aiming the targeting laser, you’ll have an arming time that will need to take place before you can fire the device, at which point the targeting device itself is consumed.
  • The strike starts off with a few smaller projectiles that come down from the flight ceiling and then ramp up over time in a pattern within the strike’s attack radius.
    • If the projectile hits anything before it reaches the ground, the projectile will have the same effects as though it had hit the ground, exploding and dealing damage to the object it hit and anything else that meets the damage effects settings.
    • Each faction will have a specific look and feel, but will be equally devastating and do the same amount of damage.
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Regional Empire Priority System
The intent for this system is to allow the game to set "priority level" for regions based on what activities are taking place there. These areas would come with score/XP bonuses to encourage fights in underutilized areas, spread population, and create hotspots.
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Loadout Screen Revamp
We want to take a pass at cleaning up and enhancing the Loadout screen. Specifics are still pending, but the goal is to make common actions more convenient. For example: Changing tints on your weapons, vehicles, and uniform should be easier than it is currently.
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Community Grief ReportingWe're investigating ways to improve the reporting tools available to the PlanetSide 2 community at large to help identify and call out hackers and other griefers.

This would include things like being able to click on a name to /report them instead of trying to correctly decipher where the i's and L's in IlIIlllIll's character name are.

Please call out more ideas that would make your lives easier when it comes to calling out the folks ruining it for the rest of us.
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Daily Medals/Achievements
We'd like to add in daily achievements/medals for weapons and tools which could include things like:

  • "Kill 10 enemies with the CARV" or "Revive 10 allies with Revive Grenades" would net Experience or Cert rewards
  • These would reset daily
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Increase the number of vehicle cosmetic slots
We offer a bunch of sweet cosmetic customizations for vehicles, but we only let you equip them one at a time. We'd like to add additional slots that will let you equip multiple customizations on your vehicle SIMULTANEOUSLY. We have the technology!
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Separate Score from Experience
At the moment experience and score are tied too closely together, so if you buff your experience, you end up buffing your score as well. That’s misleading and not really fulfilling the intention for the scoreboard, so we want to make score and experience are two independent (if still related) numbers.
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Improved Item Preview
We want to add the ability to preview an item on the player’s current Loadout for their class/vehicle so everyone can get a better idea of what it's really going to look like in context.

This would apply to Camo (tint), decals, wearables, and vehicle attachments.
Putain, en tout cas il y a de sacré idées et projets ; des trucs évidents et anormaux en l'état aux modifications vraiment sympa qui rajouteront pas mal de poids au gameplay... Et quand je vois où ça nous mène en Juin avec tout les projets autour des outfits... Je me dis que s'ils arrivent à tenir la barre droite le jeu pourrait vraiment devenir énorme.

Pour les nouveaux continents, ils parlent de Hossin (marécages) en avril mais pas de traces de Searhus (volcan)

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May - Taunts
We want to add the ability to display a taunt on your target’s killscreen and play a taunt animation on demand with your avatar.
  • Ideally we might want the ability to customize a killscreen that allows you to display even more stuff, like a short message and a custom background to go along with the taunt animation
Globalement pas mal à part 2-3 choses : les smg (a-t-on besoin de carabine bis ?), les pump action shotgun (a-t-on besoin de shotgun bis ? C'est une manie de tout décliner en quarante-douze mille versions qui vont différencier de 10 dégâts et 0.1 rof ?), et l'indicateur sur la map pour dire "tuez ce joueur" quand il fait une kill streak, c'est carrément dégueulasse.
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Publié par Chevalier66
C"est moi ou c"est un calque de Planetside 1
attention je ne m'en plein pas ,
bien au contraire.

En effet petit à petit ils ajoutent des fonctionnalités issues de PS1 telles que les implants, l'Orbital Strike, les buggy, thunderer etc. Que de bonnes nouvelles dans l'ensemble.
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Publié par Jovis
... et l'indicateur sur la map pour dire "tuez ce joueur" quand il fait une kill streak, c'est carrément dégueulasse.
Moi j'aime bien, ça permettra de "farmer" les "farmeurs"
Citation :
Publié par Jovis
l'indicateur sur la map pour dire "tuez ce joueur" quand il fait une kill streak, c'est carrément dégueulasse.
de ce que j'ai compris, il faut qu'il soit "spotted" déjà.
un petit logo pour permettre de faire un choix si il y a plusieurs ennemis en face, mais pas une grosse flèche qui fait la moitié de l'écran et qui donne la position du mec à 200km
On commence à voir une tendance se dessiner, certaines propositions sont très populaires alors que d'autres sont complètement repoussées par les joueurs.

Parmi les plus plébiscitées :
  1. Les achats débloqués par compte et non plus par personnage (1450 votes)
  2. Les tunnels dans les TechPlants et AmpStations (1234)
  3. La distance à laquelle est visible un personnage basé sur sa dangerosité (1060)
  4. Hossin, le nouveau continent marécageux (1031)
  5. La zone d'entraînement (960)

Les propositions les moins populaires (toutes avec plus de votes négatifs que positifs) :
  • Courte période d'invincibilité au respawn
  • Détruire le SCU augmenté le temps de respawn (au lieu de l'empêcher)
  • Empêcher les disperseurs de se déployer à certains endroits (à l'intérieur des tours notamment)
  • Un mode spectateur
  • Intégration de Facebook et Twitter
  • Les taunts sur le killscreen ( )
  • Boites avec une surprise aléatoire à l’intérieur
  • La possibilité de se téléporter dans un siège vacant d'un avion
  • Un système de classement pour les Outfits
  • Des tournois pour les Outfits
Citation :
Publié par Incan
On commence à voir une tendance se dessiner, certaines propositions sont très populaires alors que d'autres sont complètement repoussées par les joueurs.

Parmi les plus plébiscitées :
  1. Les achats débloqués par compte et non plus par personnage (1450 votes)
  2. Les tunnels dans les TechPlants et AmpStations (1234)
  3. La distance à laquelle est visible un personnage basé sur sa dangerosité (1060)
  4. Hossin, le nouveau continent marécageux (1031)
  5. La zone d'entraînement (960)

Les propositions les moins populaires (toutes avec plus de votes négatifs que positifs) :
  • Courte période d'invincibilité au respawn
  • Détruire le SCU augmenté le temps de respawn (au lieu de l'empêcher)
  • Empêcher les disperseurs de se déployer à certains endroits (à l'intérieur des tours notamment)
  • Un mode spectateur
  • Intégration de Facebook et Twitter
  • Les taunts sur le killscreen ( )
  • Boites avec une surprise aléatoire à l’intérieur
  • La possibilité de se téléporter dans un siège vacant d'un avion
  • Un système de classement pour les Outfits
  • Des tournois pour les Outfits
Plutot pas mal, je suis assé d'accord, par contre "La distance à laquelle est visible un personnage basé sur sa dangerosité (1060)", j'ai pas bien compris ce que ça veut dire precisement.
Ca veut dire qu'ils veulent que les avions voient les MAX AA a grande distance. C'est plutôt logique et normal mais dans un sens c’est l'unique chose qui permet aux max d’être efficaces depuis le up de l'AA.

Si les munitions de l'AA pouvait toucher a la distance où on peut les voir ca serait pas mal aussi.
C'est effectivement une adaptation de bcp de trucs de PS1

Par contre l'OS était franchement pas la meilleur feature de PS1. apres 4-5 ans d'exploitation tout le monde était CR5 et Impossible de placer une AMS sans se la faire orbitaler. J'espère que les dommages ne seront pas suffisants pour détruire une AMS (75% serait bien).

Sinon les projets sont plutôt intéressants.
Citation :
Publié par Incan
[*]La possibilité de se téléporter dans un siège vacant d'un avion
J'espère vraiment que cette feature passera. Sinon c'est cool, on aura ptetre bientôt un vrai PS2
Citation :
Publié par Havoc
Pas de taunt sur la killcam alors que c'était la meilleure feature à être présentée ! Il y a vraiment que des putains de bisounours sur ce jeu

Pareil pour le mode "compétitif"des outfits hum anyway, c'est déja bien.

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