[Devblog] Introducing our new character creator.

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Ayé, on a va avoir droit au nouveau créateur d'avatar sur sisi, qui sera release pour Incursion


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Publié par CCP t0rfifrans

introducing our new character creator
reported by CCP t0rfifrans | 2010.10.05 15:55:00 | NEW | Comments
Respected players,

With our upcoming expansion, EVE Online: Incursion, we will be rolling out entirely new avatars for all of our characters and NPCs in EVE Online. The character art is one of the few remaining pieces from the game that has remained as it was when it launched back in 2003. We've updated the ship graphics, the celestials, gates and stations, and now it's time we modernize and update the characters. We've created unique models for each bloodline,race and gender, 24 in total, along with new hairstyles and clothes. We even have shoes and underwear that you can play around with, even if they won't show on your portrait. That doesn't matter, though, because you will know what color underwear your character is wearing, and that is important.


The portrait generated will still be a torso portrait, that will work exactly the same way it does in game today. It will show in chat, in your character sheet, on EVE Gate and on the forums. There will be more options with posing, lighting and placing the camera though. So even if your character is full body, you will need to wait until the first release of Incarna to enjoy their, ehm, full bodies.

The art style is still very EVE. We opted for strong archetypes, making the races and bloodlines easily distinguishable and recognizable, but we are providing a broader range of scultping options and skin tones within each bloodline for more variety.

Does that mean you are releasing Incarna now?

No, just characters. This is a major overhaul in terms of art and technology, and paves the way for allowing you to explore the corridors of space stations in subsequent expansion. Yes, just to be clear, Incarna, the expansion where you can walk around as an avatar is not coming out this winter, but the first release of it is planned to come out next summer, in 2011. However, in the same way we introduced new planet graphics in Dominion and then Planetary Interaction one expansion later, we are introducing updated avatar graphics now in Incursion.

Redoing the characters of EVE Online is a major task. Not just technically, but also in terms of art and story. We tried to stay true to the spirit and style of each race and bloodline, while improving and refining the style and, in a way, correcting the mistakes of the past. However, we are very much aware that we are changing the face of your avatars. The characters have represented you since you started playing the game, and we realize that many have strong emotional ties with the character or look that they had created. Famous personas from the EVE community will have a brand-new face. We strived to approach the issue with the utmost respect and professionalism, but certainly many players will not agree with the changes that we‘ve made to their races or bloodlines. It will be impossible to create something new that the entire population of EVE players will agree with. We truly hope that, through the customization tools and high-fidelity assets, you will be able to re-forge your favorite characters to your liking and create a new and improved version of your online self. The assets we are replacing are some of the oldest in the game. Most of our avatars were built in 2001-2003. That‘s a very long time ago. Nokia banana phones were still considered cool and futuristic. Some of our avatars have earplugs with wires, akin to bluetooth headsets, as those were considered futuristic as well. Obviously, we need to move on and update these characters.

Do I have to change my avatar?

Yes, all existing characters will need to have their portraits redone. While the new character models are based off the same backstory and mood as the old characters, the new characters are more hyperrealistic, less cartoony, and of course, higher fidelity. They are capable of expressing emotion, animating, wearing a broad range of clothing, and they allow for deep customization and accessorization (if that‘s even a word). They also have feet, which is a huge evolutionary step, made possible due to them having feet.

Do I have to recreate my character when I log on?

Since all of the old character assets will be deprecated, you will need to recreate your avatar if you don‘t want to look like a silhouette. You will not be forced to do so the minute you log in, however. There will be a grace period where players can be logged in with characters that have not yet been updated. The duration of that grace period has not been finalized.

Will I be able to change race, bloodline or gender on existing chars?

If you already have a character for which you need to redo your portrait, you have to do it within your current race, bloodline and gender. It‘s not impossible to think that in the future you may clone jump into bodies (clones) of different races, bloodlines and even genders, but that function will not be available on Incursion launch.

Where have all the sliders gone?

The new character creator is more hands-on than the old one. We really wanted you to feel like you were sculpting the face yourself and tried to limit the amount of sliders as much as possible, putting sculpting of the face and body and posing of the face into the character model. In sculpt mode, you grab onto the nose and move the mouse to make it a bigger, push in the chin, pull the forehead and so on. Once you‘re done sculpting and picking clothes, hair and such, you use the same method for posing. You grab your eyes and move them to control where your character is supposed to look, you grab the mouth to make him smile, and pull on the eyebrows to make the smile look a little mean.

Can I try it out?

Yes, we are releasing it onto Singularity in the next few days. However, the assets and the technology is far from finished. Singularity is our test server. We put things there to see how they break. You will be able to play around with a total pre-release client full of temporary assets, clunky UI, strange behavior and slow loading. You will be able to create incredibly bad looking characters, dressed funny and posed silly. In a way it‘s a marketing faux pas, since the character creator on Singularity is far from being ready. This, however, is the way we roll. We publish unfinished stuff to our test server to allow you, the players to have a go at our new technology, to find defects, to have it tested on all kinds of different hardware configurations so that we in the end deliver a higher-quality product. With your feedback, we make the game better, but be warned, this is not the final product. Some avatars will look awful and ridiculous, with glaring visual artifacts and defects. Did I mention that some of them will look awful?


I leave you with an in-engine screenshot of the new Minmatar Brutor female. Not all bloodlines and races are ready at the moment, more screenshots will be coming in the following weeks as our artists, engineers and designers put the finishing touches on the new character creator and ready it for launch in Incursion. We truly hope that you will enjoy the new characters as much as we enjoy building them for you.

Torfi Frans Ólafsson
Creative Director of EVE Online
Perso j'ai très hâte, j'espère pouvoir faire quelque chose le plus proche possible de mon avatar actuel, pasque j'y suis attaché
C'est toujours un ajout des plus cool que j'attends avec impatience, et en même temps, appréhension. J'ai toujours détesté ma bloodline, pas en accord avec ce que je veux. J'espère vraiment que les possibilités de custo seront aussi élargies qu'ils le disent.
Les nouveaux choix ont l'air aussi patibulaire que les anciens.
Pourquoi ne donnent ils pas le choix d'avoir des éclairages et arrières plans plus gaie, et des visages qui n'ai pas tous des airs de démence ?
Si les gens jouent à ce EvE c'est peut être que quelque fois ils s'y amusent, non ?
Alors on arrête de cacher sa joie et faites péter les têtes hilares et les oreilles de lapin !
Citation :
Publié par brute
Les nouveaux choix ont l'air aussi patibulaire que les anciens.
Pourquoi ne donnent ils pas le choix d'avoir des éclairages et arrières plans plus gaie, et des visages qui n'ai pas tous des airs de démence ?
Si les gens jouent à ce EvE c'est peut être que quelque fois ils s'y amusent, non ?
Alors on arrête de cacher sa joie et faites péter les têtes hilares et les oreilles de lapin !
Internet spaceship is serious business.
Y'a moyen d'avoir des cheveux j'espère
Citation :
We've created unique models for each bloodline,race and gender, 24 in total, along with new hairstyles and clothes. We even have shoes and underwear that you can play around with, even if they won't show on your portrait. That doesn't matter, though, because you will know what color underwear your character is wearing, and that is important.
Bar à prostiputes en vue les amis !
Dommage, j'aurais bien aimé que par la même occasion on puisse changer de race/bloodline, vu que de toute manière ça n'a aucune incidence sur le jeu. Du coup là si les nouvelles têtes ne nous plaisent pas, bah tant pis :/
Citation :
Publié par brute
Les nouveaux choix ont l'air aussi patibulaire que les anciens.
Tu es fort pour connaître les choix disponibles sans y avoir accès.

[Modéré par Le Malkavien : Il dis des bétises ]

Juste comme ça, avec le système actuel d'avatar, tu peux faire un avatar souriant avec une lumière qui lui donne pas un air de psychopathe.

Si, si, c'est possible.
Citation :
Publié par brute
Les nouveaux choix ont l'air aussi patibulaire que les anciens.
Pourquoi ne donnent ils pas le choix d'avoir des éclairages et arrières plans plus gaie, et des visages qui n'ai pas tous des airs de démence ?
Si les gens jouent à ce EvE c'est peut être que quelque fois ils s'y amusent, non ?
Alors on arrête de cacher sa joie et faites péter les têtes hilares et les oreilles de lapin !
Et ceux là qui avaient filtré il y a quelques mois ?

Citation :
It‘s not impossible to think that in the future you may clone jump into bodies (clones) of different races, bloodlines and even genders, but that function will not be available on Incursion launch.
Apparemment ils ont mis la mains sur la technologie que The Broker à utilisé pour déclencher la guerre Gallento-caldari actuelle.
Enfin, un truc qui y ressemble en tout cas.

Cool, on verra peut être moins d'Achuras
Ben non, ça parle de clone jump.

L'intérêt c'est qu'il en parle eux même comme d'une possibilité.
Ce qui est beaucoup plus concret que des spéculations de joueurs sans fondement.
Pi de toute façon, soon (tm), comme d'habitude.
Je trouve les perso très moches
et la "construction" est juste affreuse.

edit: hum.. visiblement je n'ai accès qu'à un seul des choix de "sculptures"; Etrange...
j'ai vite intérêt à acheter ma nouvelle config, pasque là mon PC rend l'âme.

et c'est moi ou les verokhior ont pas encore de modèle ? J'avais un écran vide.
Pour ceux qui ont la flemme d'aller voir :

Voudriez vous faire connaissance avec cette jeune Verokhior aux yeux bleux ?
Sinon, mesdames seriez vous tentées par ce puissant Brutor ?
En troisième, je me suis amusé à faire la tronche de Tibus Heth
Bon, ça montre surtout les possibilité en matière de vieillissement, peau grêlée et corpulence maximale.

Il y a plein de bugs d'affichages quand on tire les paramètres dans les extrêmes.
L'interface est identique à l'ancienne et parfois même moins pratique. Il y a au moins 12 paramètres pour modifier le visage, et 6 pour le corps. Ca va de la forme du nez au menton en passant pas le vieillissement, des taches de rousseur ou une peau grêlé. Par contre on peut pas encore changer la couleur de la peau.
Et une fois le visage fait, il y a encore une bonne dizaine de paramètres à changer sur le portrait pour la photo (sourire, frown, orientation de la tête et du regard, pause etc...)
Les options vestimentaires sont pour l'instant très limitées.

Par contre, un bouton "aléatoire" et un autre pour revenir à une position neutre manquent.
J'espère qu'ils finiront par arriver.

Bref, c'est clairement le tout début des phases de test mais il y a déjà de quoi passer quelques heures à faire mumuse.

EDIT pour Niahoo : c'est parfois long à charger, si on tripatouille un peut ça fini par apparaitre.
Re EDIT : quoique, en effet certaines combinaisons ça n'affiche rien. J'imagine que tu as essayé un homme puisqu'une femme ça à marché pour moi.
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Olalalalala, j'ai farfouillé 2 minutes, on va ressembler a des metrosexuels ou des footballers (enfin a voir comment ca evolue, mais chez les Gallente Gallente en tout cas...) :|

(edit : ah en fait tout est commun pour certaines races faut croire )

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