Quoi de neuf sur Earthrise

Après avoir changé d'hébergeur web rendant le site et forum inaccessible pendant plus d'une journée MHS se rattrape avec un patch qui se veut soulageant pour la communauté.

Résumé du patch :

Bien que le lag ne soit pas résorbé, les devs de MHS ont pris acte des revendications des joueurs.
Un craft automatique a été implanté et nul doute que ce dernier soulage grandement les crafteurs. Le système que les devs ont utilisés pour rendre le craft moins lourd est des plus simplistes; au lieu de le remanier ils se sont contentés de l'automatiser, ce qui équivaut au bot qu'utilisaient certains joueurs durant les semaines passées (rappelons aux lecteurs que ses tricheurs ont eu un ban temporaire de leur compte et de l'argent en moins).

L'interface graphique (UI) est également améliorée. Les inventaires disposent désormais d'onglets plus sélectifs faisant la distinction entre les différents types de composants pour craft (synthétique, organique, ...). Dorénavant, lorsque l'on ramasse des items (via loot ou via craft) ils sont automatiquement stacké dans notre inventaire. À noter aussi que lorsqu'un slot assuré se stack avec un item ramassé l'assurance de ce dernier disparaît et l'argent de l'assurance vous est rendu.

Pour notre plus grand plaisir à tous, le lance roquette a été nerfé, cependant aucune modification pour le nanobotic à l'heure actuel.

Le patch est ressenti comme un soulagement de la part de la communauté et nous prouve que MHS travaille dans le bon sens. Mais un bon patch ne se fait jamais sans l'hotfixe correspondant, MHS connait bien cette règle. :p

Il reste de grandes étapes à franchir avant qu'Earthrise soit un jeu parfait et le patch de ce vendredi est loin d'être un patch miracle qui fera revenir toute la communauté mais la route est désormais sous nos pieds, il ne reste plus qu'a avancer pour parfaire Earthrise et le transformer de "béta" à jeu fini.

Courage MHS, vous en aurez besoin, la route est encore longue maintenant que vous n'avez plus le genou à terre, il est temps de se préparer à courir.

L'interview de la confrérie de l'acier :

Nous nous excusons pour le retard sur la deuxième interview, en espérant que celle-ci les motive à remonter une franchise sur EarthRise :)

JOL : En quelques mots, comment définissez vous la Confrérie de l'Acier ?

Nes : Nous nous définissons comme un clan « post apo » casual et plutôt familial. Nous avons tous un certain âge et notre "irl" reste la priorité (le plus possible ).

Borg : comme l'a dis nes, un groupe de casu et non casu, de bras cassés et de PGM, bref un melting pot complètement déjanté qui ressemble a rien mais qui a le mérite de "fonctionner" (ah y'a aussi des psychotique du RP qui passent leur temps a faire un background pour un jeu mais qui se tire sur un autre dès que c'est fini d'ecrire ... /taunt tout pourri)

JOL : Vous étiez sur Fallen Earth, comment vous est venu l'idée de migrer sur Earthrise?

Nesryl : Nous étions un peu lassé de Fallen Earth et étions à la recherche de feature qui lui fessaient défaut, en particulier le pvp ouvert et le coté plus « sandbox » (donc un monde qui évoluerait selon les actions des joueurs).
A noté qu’actuellement seul le pvp ouvert est réellement implanté.

Borglom : le post apo, et pi le fait que y'a plus personne sur FE et qu'ER promet plein de bonne chose qu'on arrêté de promettre FE

JOL : Etes vous déçu de ce choix?

Nes : Pas vraiment, nous somme plutôt curieux de voir si le cahier des charges sera respecté ou pas, même avec quelques retards. Earthrise est très prometteur.

Borg : bah euh non, la guilde est morte (ou presque) sur FE donc ça fait du bien de rejouer avec quelques personnes y'a que le lag qui casse les ... sur ER ^^

JOL : Qu'aimez vous le plus dans le jeu?

Borg : les décors nom de dieu d'putain d'bordel de ... pardon ... ça va être un festival pour les explorateur en herbe

Ushi : Le craft est très prometteur aussi il me rappelle swg (souvenir...).

JOL : Que détestez vous le plus ?

Borg : pour l'instant le lag ... et cerone ... mais c'est normal ah pi j'aime pas le système de tri des ressources, après une soirée de farm faut une autre soirée pour ranger le sac

Ushi : Qu'il n'y ai pas de partage d' xp en squad résultat on est tous plus ou moins en solo.

JOL : Vous avez choisi la voie du gouvernement d'Enterra en rejoignant la faction Continoma, pourquoi?

Nes : Sur Fallen Earth, nous représentions une incarnation de l’ordre, de l’autorité et de la domination de la nature et de son ordre par l’Homme.
Il nous a semblé tout naturel de rejoindre le régime totalitaire de la faction Continoma qui correspondait plutôt bien au role que nous aimons jouer.

Borg : parce que… tunnel ... parce que la confrérie a un background plutot axée militaire, soldat au service de l'ordre, et donc si on a bien lu c'est continoma qui s'en rapproche le plus

JOL : Quels sont vos rapports avec les autres guildes du jeu?

Borg : beuuuuh ... sur les forums c'est plutot cordial, j'pense notamment a la guilde fondation. par contre ingame on risque de se tirer des plombs dans le cul ^^

JOL : Un mot pour nos lecteurs Joliens, qu'il soit sur Earthrise ou pas ?

Borglom : zavez pas 2 po ? viendez nombreux, nes fait un striptease

Ushi : très bon jeu mais il faut croiser les doigts pour qu'il évolue dans le bon sens. Surtout après le deception du 1er patch

Voici le patch note du vendredi ainsi que le hotfixe du samedi.

Patch Notes Version 17266 du 18 Mars 2011 :

* Launcher mechanics changed:
o Launcher abilities and default attack now deal splash damage.
o Launcher abilities now block movement when focusing.
o Core Launcher attacks chance to Stun reduced to 7%, chance to Push reduced to 15%.
o Special Launcher attacks chance to Stun reduced to 7%.
o Launcher ability Direct HIT now provides +10% critical chance.
o Launcher ability Demolitions now provides +30% critical damage.
o Launcher ability Deep Thunder damage reduced to +60% weapon damage , cool down increased to 10 seconds.
o Launcher ability Kinetic Charge now deals +120% weapon damage.
o Description of launcher ability Shrapnel Blast is fixed to correctly represent that it has 30% chance for Drain. Cooldown increased to 3 seconds.
* Jump now costs 25 Stamina.
* Dodge Stance now has an ongoing stamina cost while active. Its health to stamina conversion ratio has been lowered to 5/1.5X. And it will now drop itself when the player has 30% of its maximum stamina instead of 10%.
* Jam effects are now affected by diminishing returns mechanics.
* New attack type "Splash" is introduced into the RPG system. Splash attacks are area of effect attacks that deal normal damage to their direct target and reduced damage to all other affected targets in its AoE range.
* Fixed a specific Drain effect case that would not deal damage with tier 0 weapons.
* Drain effect now does 20 * ({Weapon/Monster Tier}+1) damage as opposed to 25 * ({Weapon/Monster Tier}+1).
* Stun effect now lasts 4 seconds instead of 6.
* Engineer abilities now do a separate range check, so they will have range restrictions now.
* Implemented Focus Control effect, depending on its parameters it blocks movement while focusing abilities of a certain skill line.
* All updated abilities and effects have their descriptions updated to match the changes.
* Fixed a bug where Diminishing Returns timer would stop when an effect is removed by negations.

* Added Queued Crafting option. Crafters now can put materials for a number of items, choose "All" option and the crafting process is repeated without player interaction until there are materials on the worktable. The process can be cancelled and at the end crafting summary is shown.
* Added Add Materials mechanics. Players now can select a technology, choose material quality range, and use the "Add Materials" button to automatically fetch proper materials from their inventory to the worktable. If some materials are missing the players are notified.
* Added Clear Worktable button which moves all items from the crafting worktable back to avatar inventory.


* Researcher Gary will no longer blackmail players to Guards in Tech Collective base in Industrial Area. Guards will once again chase only Player Killers.
* Some of the NPCs spawning in the Nest are moved.
* Spawns of the creatures and NPCs around the resurrection point and the teleports on the road between The Village and the City of Eastern Gardens are moved away.


* Introduced detailed graphics options and ability to disable different rendering features to increase the framerate. Note: "High" graphics setting is the visually closest option to previous default rendering.
o Optimized object occlusion culling and nameplate occlusion culling.
o Introduced texture detail option which sets the maximum loaded and used texture resolution and can significantly reduce used video memory and increase the framerate. Terrain is also affected by this option.
o Environmental and non-essential Visual Effects (particles) can be turned off.
o Added option to reduce the Visual Effects particles density which reduces the number of emitted and simulated particles and can increase framerate.
o Added option to reduce the Visual Effects update frequency.
o Visual Effect are now also affected by the rendering and shader LOD (Level of Detail). Visual effects LOD is now updated with precision 1m (instead of 30m).
o Added support for multiple LOD configurations for shaders.
o Added High, Medium and Low shaders quality in video settings.
o Lower quality shader LOD settings now submit shader parameters ~50% faster.
o Added option to control LOD level for trees.
o Added LOD settings for water rendering.
o Fixed parallax culling setting to be consistent with other options with best quality when the slider is at the rightmost side.
o Fixed an issue with LOD system when materials with all parameters disabled will render at full quality. Now these objects are not rendered at all.
o Optimized rendering of transparent objects on lower LOD levels. At lowest setting transparent subsets are not rendered at all.
o LOD system now properly respects alpha-tested and semi-transparent material properties.
o Optimized sorting of subsets before rendering to properly use LOD.
o When applying new video settings the rendering subsystem properly reloads.
o Fixed bug with auto generation of MIP levels for the terrain. There will be no more thin visible line between some adjacent texture tiles in the distance.
o Added general graphics quality control that fine-tunes all other graphics options according to predefined Low, Medium, and High options. The user still can modify separate options one by one.
o Changed texture loading fallback not to load file from the disk but automatically generate needed texture which should be faster. Fallback textures are now gray and not orange.
o Fixed issue when certain options appeared multiple times in the Antialiasing graphics option.
* Additional optimization to the rendering subsystem.

* The entirety of the Stun Control effect cluster is now event driven to increase RPG performance.
* To increase RPG performance Launcher ability Bombardment Tactics is now event driven. The ability itself is not changed and will act as before.
* Additional logging added for objects sent to the client by the server both on the server-side and on the client side.
* Additional optimization and performance logging for effects to further increase server framerate.

User Interface

* Introduced much requested item autostacking:
o New items added to the player inventory are automatically stacked with similar items.
o Items coming from player trade are not automatically stacked to allow player to better recount what he just bought.
o Added "/autostack_inventory" command to apply auto-stacking to the whole player inventory. Important note: all items are re-arranged when using autostacking and insurance slots are reimbursed and all items in the player inventory stop being insured. We strongly advise players not to use this functionality outside the safe zones.
o New item notification pop-up made now work properly with auto-stacked items.
* Fixed an issue with key binding when keys that are bound to other events do not reapply properly on subsequent restart. Note: We have discovered in the last minute an issue that will not properly re-bind primary key if secondary key is specified by the user. We still have not fixed the issue that requires player to type-in special keys.
* Option to disable entirely dynamic flash texts moving with characters. Disabling the nameplates and floating numbers can increase the framerate.
* Options to invert mouse Y and swap left and right mouse buttons added.
* Added option to sort Player Bank. The items are sorted alphabetically.
* Fixed some minor UI assets in the login scene.
* Added additional tabs to avatar inventory and bank to make locating ingredients for crafting easier.
* Fixed a rare issue when the equipment of newly created character is not shown properly on the character sheet.

World Environment
* Additional exploration rewards (stashes) are created and some stash models are changed to new ones to match the environment they are placed.
* Demilitarized zone in Tech Collective is updated and more precise within the base walls.
* The render settings in Noir Core are modified for improved performance and better look of the zone.
* The black fog in the Tech collective base has been removed.
* Additional stashes are added in the Autonomy, Lowlands and Industrial area.
* Added stashes in the Boneyard zone.
* More decorations are added inside the ship near the Road Camp.
* Decoration of the Grenadiers Compound is updated.
* Vistas of some of the bridges in Cascade Mountains are updated.
* Locations of some Lowlands stashes has been changed.

* Some old NPCs in Sal Vitas Valley have been upgraded, and we’ve added new ones, alongside with new Interactive Objects to access:
o Ajit, Katri, Rute, Hope Terraforming Beacon 1, Hope Terraforming Beacon 2 & Hope Terraforming Beacon 3, Hope Terraforming Terminal 1, Hope Terraforming Terminal 2 & Hope Terraforming Terminal 3, Requisition Officer Thompson, Unity Maintenance Terminal 1, Unity Maintenance Terminal 2, Unity Maintenance Terminal 3, Unity Maintenance Terminal 4, Unity Maintenance Terminal 5, Citizen Arlen, Citizen Nichole, Citizen Joey, Citizen Misty, Emma, DFG Terminal 1, DFG Terminal 2 & DFG Terminal 3, Citizen Geoffrey, Citizen Lauma, Citizen Silke, Citizen Willy, Citizen Herbert, SW33PR Bot 0461, SW33PR Bot 0957, SW33PR Bot 20216, DE Weapon Dispenser, DE Armor Dispenser, DE Medical Aid Dispenser , Mechanic Carly, Foresight Drinks Vending Machine, Storage Manager Madoc

* The following new quests have appeared in the Sal Vitas Valley, referring to the NPCs and Interactive Objects there:
o Trees of Green, Better Safe Than Sorry, The Devil is in the Parts, Pesky Hackers, Catch a Spy, Nipping the Buds, Complications Management, Pimp my Bots, Double Check, Civilian Concerns, The Resolute Defenders, Guns Just in Case, Fill the Stash, "Carrots, not Sticks", "Work, work, work"

* We have added quests to existing NPCs and we’ve created new NPCs and Interactive Objects in the Industrial Area:
o Poppy, Ramsey, Layne, Mechanic Eirian, TC Monitoring Terminal 1, TC Monitoring Terminal 2, TC Monitoring Terminal 3 & TC Monitoring Terminal 4, TC Control Panel 3 & TC Control Panel 4, Brown Chemical Pile, Red Chemical Pile, Green Chemical Pile, Spectro-Analyzer Terminal, BF Monitoring Terminal 1, BF Monitoring Terminal 2, BF Monitoring Terminal 3 & BF Monitoring Terminal 4, MF Monitoring Terminal 1, MF Monitoring Terminal 2, MF Monitoring Terminal 3 & MF Monitoring Terminal 4, Half-Filled Storage Crate & Beat-Up Storage Crate, Reprocessing Control Terminal 1, Reprocessing Control Terminal 2, Reprocessing Control Terminal 3

* You can find the following quests referring to these new NPCs in the Industrial Area:
o Understanding the Sludge, Sludge Analysis, History of Tragedy, Spy with my Private Eye, Just Rewards, Gift from the Sea, Delve Deeper, Sea Ore Analysis, That Magic Touch

* New quests in the Autonomy are created. There’s the list of the new NPCs and interactive objects for the new Autonomy content:
o Mr. Gazzo, Del Rio, Ol` Crutch, Kanya, Richman, Karla, Concerned Relative, Corpse, Holtzman, Enforcer Dunya, Enforcer Rayla, Kodiak Pusher, Talon, Big Daddy, Madame Martha, Monica, Thimblerig, Christian, Pitt, Scales, Mr. Kobayashi, Diaz, Cero, Newmar, Samantha, Mona, Ivy, Low-life Grundy, Oyama, Low-life Claud, Low-life Ishi, Olivia, Stash I, Stash II, Stash III, Repair Spider Le-01, Travis, Low-life Rita, Asclepia, Whesker, Senior Pharmacist, Roland, Robin, Associate's Body, Lester

* List of the new quests available from these NPCs or interactive objects:
o Shakedown, Pity for Ol' Crutch, To the Rescue, Judgment, Daddy's Girls, Joust, Kicked by the Habit, Three for the Road, Winners Don't Do Stims, Talon's Approval, The Holtzman Test, Clockwork Oranges, Family Care, Itch Needs Scratching, Turning the Other Cheek, Eye for an Eye, Rig 'N Thimble, Tit For Tat, The Syndicator, Tommyknocker Shotgun, No Good Deed, The Eagle Eye, Illuminator Railgun, Racketeer, Bartertown, Roxane's Contract, Medical Assistance, The Good Stuff, Thanks For Everything, Blood on the Dancefloor, Reversible, Reset, Way Out, Grease, Blue Suede Shoes, Wake Up, Freedom, Take the Power Back, Earthly Remains, Lead-clad Approach, Safety First

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a rare zone crash when certain effects with stances were used across server boundaries.
* Fixed a rare zone crash when avatar with certain overtime effects crossed server boundaries.
* Fixed a rare zone crash when avatar enters a region with healing effects.
* Fixed an issue when wrong effects were sent to the player when fighting across zone boundary.

Patch Notes Version 17309 du 19 Mars2011 (hotfixe)

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a rare case when player couldn't login after client disconnect or crash.
* Fixed an issue that caused insured items put on the belt to lose their insurance when the player switches back and forth quickly between belt item and equipped item.
* System messages coming from server are now displayed fully and don't appear cut off.
* Fixed an issue with "/autostack_inventory" command that caused all insured items to lose their insurance upon autostacking.
* Fixed an issue with quest system and User Interface that didn’t properly get notified on item amount when the item was stacked automatically.
* Fixed client desync or rare server crash caused by item transactions.
* Fixed an issue when player switches quickly from equipped item to item in the belt would cause item to move to the inventory of the player instead of the belt. Note: Currently at the moment the inventory may not get updated when this happens and the item appears lost, re-sorting the inventory shows the item.
* Fixed rare client crash when changing tabs in the inventory, crafting, or bank.

Source : http://forum.play-earthrise.com/index.php?/topic/1623-patch-notes-version-17266/

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